🌸 Confession... 🌸

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Leafy's POV:

I walking to school with a umbrella while it was raining.. "man.. why should it rain today..?" I sighed. I was walking until I heard someone call my name, "LEAFY!"

I turned around to see Gelatin running after me. I stopped walking and faced my body towards him as he continued running to me.

"Oh, Gelatin... what's up?" I asked.

"Haha.. hey, Leafy..." Gelatin panted from his running. "Uhm.. wanna walk to school together?" Gelatin asked.

"Oh! Of course!" I answered with glee. We both started walking and had some random conversations, It was fun though. "So.. Leafy.. Do you like anyone?"

I blushed. I didn't want to admit that I had a crush on him and Firey! Oh gosh- what am I gonna do!?

"Uhm.. I-I do.. I'm just not saying who!" I said. Gelatin started laughing, "Aww, it's okay. I might find it for myself." Gelatin smiled.

What does he mean by "find out for himself?" Does he mean he's gonna try and find a way for him to know I like 2 guys, including him!? Oh gosh.. I'm so nervous..

[ ... ]

We finally arrived at school and I saw my friends walking inside the building. "Hey, I gotta get going now.. I'll see you later." I smiled.

"Wait.. class isn't even starting yet." Gelatin asked as he raised a brow at me.

"Well.. uhm.. it's just that.. I kind of want to talk with my friends.. I hope that's okay." I started to get the feeling that Gelatin is gonna be pretty upset or something..

"Oh.. okay. That's fine, Leafster. Cya!" Gelatin patted my head and walked inside the building.

I blushed even more.. oh goshhhhhh...

I walked inside and opened the door to see my friends near my locker. What're they doing beside it? I walked over to them.

"Hey.. what're you guys doing near my locker?" I asked suspiciously.

"Since we know you were gonna take sooooo long.. we decided to meet up at your locker from now on." Golf Ball exaggerated.

"Please. You would probably take longer, GB." I said and opened my locker. Golf Ball looked at me with a glare and scoffed.

"Golf Ball, do you have the algebra homework done?"

I know that voice, it's.. I turned around to see Firey approaching us.

"Yep, Here ya go." Golf Ball said as she handed Firey a paper from her binder.

"Thanks, GB." Firey smiled. Firey saw me and waved. I waved back, nervously. I was hiding my blush and my face still felt hot...

"Leafy, thanks for that date yesterday. I knew I could count on you. You're the best." Firey thanked me.

"H-H.. Yeah! No problem!" I giggled nervously.

"Well, gotta get going now.. Rosemary is probably waiting for me. See you in 1st Period, Leafy!" Firey said and walked away.

I didn't know what I was doing, I just stood there like a complete idiot.

"Are you okay, Leafy?" Pin asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Pin, GB, Coiny, and Tennis Ball.

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine!" I nervously smiled.

"Are you sure about yesterday when I asked if you liked Firey? About when Firey ran up to you during lunch break?" Golf Ball asked as she placed her hands on her hips.

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