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🌱 Leafy's POV:🌱

As I got to the Café. All I did was admire Firey's bracelet that he got me. I couldn't take my eyes off of it, it was just so... special..

Of course, I had to eventually get my mind off of it because I don't wanna be distracted during work. I was at the front register, doing some work, and customers came in. Same stuff, no surprise.

"Leafy." Golf Ball called from out from behind me. I turned my head at her with a puzzled look, "What's up, GB?" I asked.

"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere after work." Golf Ball invited me.

I sighed, "I-I can't.."

"You're always busy, Leafy. When was the last time we actually hanged out?" She pouted.

"I know, I know.. but I'm trying to buy time but it's been so hard lately, GB." I frowned with a tired sigh.

"Hmph... can we at least hang out this Saturday?" Golf Ball begged.

"I'll see." I sighed. Golf Ball clapped her hands or of excitement and ran back into the back kitchen. I sighed again and continued working my shift.

~ After Work ~

After work I went to the Hospital to see my mother again.

As I entered, the doctors looked at me with a bright smile. I was so confused, "Ms. Leafy! We have some wonderful news about your mother!" One of them said in a graceful tone. I smiled brightly, that sounded great to hear.

"What's up?" I asked.

"She's feeling a lot better and we're just starting to give her actual medication. Plus, she'll be able to be let free in the next month!" They said. I gasped and felt like I was about to cry. I'm so happy to hear that my mom is okay!

"Oh my tree.. that sounds amazing! Thank you guys so so much!!" I happily said.

"Though, you can't visit right now. She's under some medication which caused her to sleep and we don't wanna disrupt her while she's under her medication." The doctors explained.

I nodded, "That's fine. Can I visit her tomorrow? I asked. They nodded, "Of course." I smiled so brightly and actually started crying tears of joy.

"Thank you! I'll be heading out now." I said happily and walked out.

I can't wait to tell Firey about this. I'm just so happy!

I ran back home and noticed Firey was sleeping on the couch. Oh, he's sleeping. I guess I'll tell him later.

I decided to walk to my room and place down my stuff. I got my homework and started studying.

~ Later... ~

After I was done studying, I decided to go make something to eat.I got up from my chair and exited out my room and started making my down to the kitchen. As I entered, I noticed Firey was still sleeping on the couch, he's such a baby..

I went to the kitchen and started cooking some rice.

~ Later ~

I was finally done cooking and ate. After that, I started washing the dishes and noticed behind me, Firey was getting up.

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