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Leafy's POV:

I was walking home one evening after visiting my mother at the hospital again. Though, I never told her about Gelatin or what Gelatin told me today. I was scared because I didn't want my mom to worry.

I saw the Alley way, I started to remember what Firey told me.

"-I saw him kill his lover in the alley way you walked in 3 days ago. Why do you think I got an uneasy feeling about the alley way?"

I was so paranoid and very decisive.. should I still walk through it..? It's the quickest way home... but Gelatin killed people in there, I don't wanna go near it.

My head started hurting really badly at that point.

I sighed, "I just go the other way..." I mumbled. I go the other way home which took 30 minutes.

As soon as I got home, I showered, ate, and was really exhausted. I tried to sleep but I couldn't, I couldn't stop about what Gelatin or Firey said to me. I sighed and took my phone to text Pin.


Leafy: hey pin

Pin: leafy? it's 11pm aren't u suppose to be sleeping?

Leafy: I can't..

Leafy: and i'm sorry about this morning.

Pin: wdym

Leafy: about when we argued whether Gelatin was a murderer or not

Pin: oh

Leafy: i found out he was and i wanna apologize for that.

Pin: well i'm glad you understand, and i forgive you

Pin: but did you break up with him?

Leafy: well...

Leafy: ...

Leafy: i'm going to bed now

Leafy: goodnight

Pin: wh-


I turned off my phone, that question scared me. I didn't want to break up with Gelatin because he'd probably murder me.

I really hated this. First, I have a crush on two guys, I end up with one of them, turns out he was a killer, Firey is taken by a devil, and my friends hate Gelatin. Not to mention my mother was in the hospital.. god, why is life so stressful..?

The more I think, my head felt like it was gonna burst. I ended up sleeping at that point.

[ Next morning, 1st period ]

I couldn't really concentrate during the lesson, I was tired.

I planted my head on my desk, "Ms. Lemon?" I heard the teacher call my name, I raised up my head from my desk.

"Are you feeling okay?" Ms. 6 asked. I nodded, "Just continue the lesson... please." I said.

She did.

[ After 1st Period ]

I walked out of the class until Firey called out to me, "Hey, Leafy."

I turned around, "Are you okay? From.. today and yesterday?" He asked. I nodded.

"Are you sure? You look tired."

I nodded again. He placed a hand on my shoulder, "Can you.. come to my house later today? I need to talk to you." Firey said kind of sternly.

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