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Firey's POV:

After I left the Café, I went to go meet up with Rosemary. She told me she wanted to meet me at the Mall. I didn't think too much about it and just decided to meet up with her.

When I arrived, I saw her, looking a little.. different.. she looked like she hasn't slept and she looked really pale.

As I walked closer, she noticed my approach.

"O-Oh... h-hey, Firey.." Rosemary said and turned her head away from me.

"Hey, Rosey.. is something wrong?" I asked and placed my hand on her cheek, she slapped my hand away.

" look really... 'Wishy-washy'... you okay?" I asked.

She muttered something and looked at me, "I-I'm fine.. c'mon." She said and took my hand and lead me inside of the mall.

Though, the whole time, she didn't seem to have a lot of fun. All she did was look around and asked for my card.

Sometimes, I wonder if she's a gold-digger. She doesn't really act like one sometimes.

As we were in a clothing store, I noticed she didn't see as enthusiastic, cause usually she'd be running around the store looking at stuff with stars in her eyes. But this time, she just didn't seem like it.

"Hey.. just tell me what's wrong-"

"No! Nothings wrong, Firey.." Rosemary grumbled. I sighed, "Please.. tell me what's wrong.."

She sighed and turned her head towards me, "Do you really want to know?" She asked with a deadly frown on her face.

I rolled my eyes, "No.." I murmured. She turned her head back and started walking through the sections of clothes.

I followed her, you may be wondering why I didn't reply with a 'yes.' It's because whenever she gives me that deadly frown or grin, I know she's just gonna tell my parents something gruesome I did, basically Blackmail.

And if you're wondering, again, yes, I want to get out of this relationship. But, it was basically forced. Well, not by my parents, Rosemary just has her ways of making me concur her.

We continued walking around the clothing store, paid, and then left.

As we were walking around the mall, Rosemary stopped walking. I got confused.

She turned around and gave me her bags and stuff, "I-I'm going to the restroom. Stay here.." Rosemary mumbled and dashed to the restroom. I was still confused but I couldn't object.

I decided to sit at a nearby bench inside the mall while waiting for Rosemary, though, she didn't seem like she'd be out yet.

I later heard a notification ring from her purse, which I'm assuming was her phone. As a nosey person I am, I grabbed her purse and took her phone out. It was a text message from... Aquamarine..? What does he want?

But, I also decided to read through her messages with this guy. I just didn't have a good feeling about him whenever he's around Rosemary. Plus, Rosemary isn't here yet so I have some time on my hands.

I read through the texts and I couldn't believe what I was reading. My heart sank to my stomach.

Basically, Rosemary was cheating on me with him by flirting with Aquamarine through texts and then, not too long ago, Aquamarine said they were over because he was now in a new relationship and he didn't think that cheating would be necessary. Now I can see Rosemary was in a bad mood today.. but I wonder who Aquamarine's with now..?

After reading those messages, I was pissed and stormed out of the mall. I didn't want to see that sluts face anymore, we're done for. I took out my phone and blocked her on everything.

I stormed out of the mall and went straight to Leafy's house.

[ ... ]

As I arrived, I plopped myself in her house. I closed the door afterwards and just sat on the couch devastated. Though, to be honest, it wasn't really that big of a surprise for Rosemary to cheat. I mean, she did seem like that type of girl. I guess I was too oblivious to know.

Leafy's POV:

After work, I went straight to the hospital to go visit my mother. She was okay luckily. As I walked back to my house and opened the door, I saw Firey laying down on the couch. He looked a little depressed... I wonder what happened.

I sat on the couch next to him which he noticed me.

"Hey, Firey. Are you okay?" I asked. Firey shook his head, he kind of looked cute when he was acting like a little baby. But, I wonder what's wrong..

"Well.. do you wanna tell me what's up..?" I asked again.

Firey sighed, "Rosemary cheated on me apparently." I gasped as if I didn't know. But deep down inside, I knew she cheated on him.

"That's terrible! I'm so sorry to hear that.." I said. Firey chuckled and sat up.

"It's fine. I kind of wanted to get out of that relationship anyways." Firey said and patted my head. I chuckled nervously, "How did you find out..?" I asked.

Firey was silent for a second, "Well.. I was at the mall with Rosemary and she had to go to the restroom so she gave me her bags. As I was waiting, her phone went off and I was looking through Rosemary's phone and saw that she texted Aquamarine a lot of flirty stuff.. and yeah." Firey explained.

"Did you yell at her..?" I asked. Firey laughed a little.

"Nope, she doesn't even know we're broken up. I just stormed out of the mall and went straight here." Firey answered and that made me giggle a little.

Not too long though, we stayed quiet for a while, Firey's hand was still on my head. But the whole time, Firey reminded me of Gelatin. Because Gelatin always patted my head and always give me a derpy smile.

"..So.. how was work?" Firey asked.

"Oh- eheheh- uhm.. it was good." I answered nervously. Firey smiled.

"That's good. Well, I'm gonna go shower." Firey said and got off the sofa.

"Oh. Alrighty then." I smiled. As Firey reached to the hallway, he turned his head to me and gave me a soft smile, "I'm gonna say this again, you'd really make a really great girlfriend. Even cute one as well." Firey said as he walked down the hallway.

I blushed even more, are those words meaning something!? Ghhh- that's idiot..!

I stood up embarrassed and annoyed expression. That idiot...

He's lucky that I like it when he flirts.

☕︎[ To be Continued! ] ☕︎


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