☕️ Careful Sickness ☕️

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{ Lots of Fireafy Parts 💚🧡🔥🍃 }

Leafy's POV:

As I woke up, I felt really cold. Like, really really cold.. I tried turning on the heater but it was broken, I mean.. it was kind of rubbish anyways..

I decided to call Pin and tell her I was gonna miss work due to my sickness. I think it was a harmless flu. She agreed and told me it was okay and I should take a break anyways, man.. I'm really glad I have a friend like her.

I got up from my bed to go brush my teeth.

[ ... ]

I sat on the couch, I was really relieved. I felt this relaxed before.

I was watching some Tv until I got a phone call from Firey. I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Leafy? Are you okay?" Firey asked, I could tell he was worried for some reason. Did something happen..?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I replied.

"I went to the Café and Pin told me you were sick. I'm outside of the Café right now." Firey said. He's such a dork.

"Yeah.. I'm kind of sick. I think it's a flu or just a severe cold." I answered with a weak giggle.

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm coming over." Firey said.

"Wait- wh-" He hung up. He hung us before I was able to say anything. What just happened..?

I didn't think too much about it and continued to watch Tv.

🕰☕️ Later ☕️🕰

Later, I heard the doorbell ring. I went to go answer it, I opened the door and it revealed Firey.

"Oh, hey, Firey— A-" He picked me up and placed me on the sofa.

"What the—"

"Are you okay?" He asked and felt my forehead.

"I-I'm fine, Firey!" I answered, I was so confused. I mean.. he was for some reason helping me..? Firey sat on his knees and sat on the side of he sofa, caressing my hair. I was kind of blushing the whole time but I was also very confused..


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"Firey.. what's going on?" I asked and placed a hand on his chest.

"You're sick, so I'm taking care of you." Firey softly smiled. Then, I started thinking about Rosemary.

"W-..What about Rose—"

"She's fine. She didn't want to talk to me after what happened so.. I'm deciding to spend my time with you." Firey smiled.

I giggled nervously, "Thanks, Firey."

"No problem, Leafy."

We sat there in a moment of silence, I averted my eyes so I looked away so it wouldn't seem awkward for me.

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