Referenced Ending

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🌱 Leafy's POV: 🌱

I suddenly woke up, noticing I was laying on the couch while on top of Firey. I blushed excessively and quickly got off of him. What happened..? I looked down at myself and I seemed normal. I rubbed my eyes while letting out a small yawn, I must've fallen asleep when me and Firey were cuddling on the couch.

My blush faded, I looked over at Firey who was still sleeping peacefully like a snoozing baby. I big baby to be specific.

I got up from the couch then shook Firey aggressively until he woke up. Eventually he did and looked shocked as he saw me shaking him.

"Good morning, Fireball!" I greeted with a smile. He gave me an 'are you serious' look but chuckled, "Morning." He replied.

He yawned a little before sitting up on the couch. As he was doing that, I looked out the window and noticed that the bad weather has gone away.

"Firey! The rain is gone!" I called to him. He looked at me, then looked at the window before getting up.

"Oh. That's cool." He commented.


"Don't we have school?" Firey added. I flinched in realization, "Crap! You're right-!" I remarked and quickly dashed to my phone to check the time. As I opened my phone, I looked at the time:


Not only that, I got 12 texts and 9 miss-call notifications from Pin and Golf Ball. F**k.

My stupid alarm didn't go off! Ugh.

I grumbled a little and decided to call Golf Ball. I dialed her number and put the phone next to my ear.

{ ring ring }

"Finally you called!! Where are you!?" Golf Ball answered and immediately yelled through the phone. I sighed, "I overslept. I didn't think I slept for this long, my alarm didn't go off-"

"Save your excuses, Leafy Stupid Lemon." Golf Ball cut me off. Why is she so angry?

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's too late to come to school now. It's already 5th period session. I'm pretty sure they marked you absent." Golf Ball said.

Well, I guess it is too late.

"Well, I'll show up to work then. I can miss a day without school." I said with a quiet, sad sigh. "Well, I'll be at work. See ya." I said and immediately ended the call so GB didn't have to scream in my ear for the next 5 minutes. I grumbled under my breath as I placed my phone back on the nightstand.

I forcefully threw myself on the bed while groaning. Ughhh.. stupid alarm...

I started hearing footsteps coming from the hall. I sat up then tried acting like nothing has happened. I then saw Firey standing there with a puzzled look, "What happened?" Firey asked as he approached me, sitting down on the bed right next to me.

I sighed, "It's already 5th period session. We're probably marked absent today.. well.. my perfect attendance is officially ruined." I grumbled. Firey patted my back, "Hey.. it's alright. There's no need being too perfect." He chuckled before pulling me in for a hug. I smiled a bit and flung my arms around him.

"Thanks, Firey.." I chuckled softly. "No problem." He responded.

"Though.. I am going to work today." I let go of the hug. "Ah.. well, I'll be there." He looked at me with a smile.

I giggled and kissed his cheek before getting up from the bed. "Now, get out." I playfully demanded and pointed at the door. He rolled his eyes then starting laughing a bit and got up, exiting out of the room and closing the door behind him.

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