🌃 First Night: Test 🌃

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Leafy's POV:

Firey still hasn't came back and it was already sunset, I was currently cooking some dinner until I heard the front door open. I looked in the other direction to where the door what and saw Firey walking in.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"Sorry, I couldn't find half of my stuff I needed and my parents were asking me where I was going." Firey said with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh.. what did you tell them?" I asked.

"I..I kind of lied about going to a hotel because of school. Like, a field trip." Firey chuckled. I wonder how he got away with that.

"Uhm.. okay. Do you need me to show you the guest bedroom?" I asked. Firey nodded, I turned off the stove and started walking down the hallways leading to the guest bedroom while Firey was following me carrying his belongings.

"Here's your room." I opened the guest bedroom door, Firey saw it and looked pretty surprised.

"It's really tidied." Firey said. Usually, I'm kind of messy but to be honest, I'd rather have my guests be more welcomed and feel like their life was more luxurious. What am I even saying...?

"Yeah. I had some free time so I decided to uhm.. clean the guest room. Eheheh.." I giggled nervously. Firey went inside and placed his stuff down on the carpet and walked up to me.

"Let me help you clean the house." Firey assisted.

"Wh-.. there's no reason for that-"

"Nonsense, let me help you." Firey insisted again and held one of my hands. I sighed, "Ehem.. fine.. but if you get exhausted, don't be afraid to take a break." I smiled nervously.

Firey chuckled and stroked my hair. "It's fine, princess."

He walked away.

Hmph, idiot.. he's dating Rosemary anyways. That nickname probably means nothing.

I went back into the kitchen and continued cooking dinner.

[ Later .  .  .]

I was finally done cooking dinner. I placed the dishes on the table and called Firey.

"Fireyy!" I called out. I saw him come out of one of the rooms, "Come eat." I said. He nodded and walked to me.

We both sat down and started eating.

[ . . . ]

Firey was tired. The sun was already down and I was getting pretty exhausted too. Me and Firey we're watching some Tv,

"Hey, Leafy." Firey called out. I looked at him with a puzzled look. "Hm?"

"Can I.."

I titled my head in confusion. I saw Firey sigh, "Can.. never mind.." I was more curious on what he was gonna say.

"No wait- please tell me." I begged.

"You'd probably say no anyways. Plus, I can't do it." Firey mumbled. I shook my head, "Just tell me."

Firey sighed, "Can.. Can I kiss you..?"

I looked at him with a shocked expression. H-He.. He wants to kiss me-

"Wh-.. but- aren't you dating Rosemary? Plus, I'm dating Gelatin too." I said.

"I know. I only asked because Rosemary thinks i'm a bad kisser.. I didn't know so.. could I.. ehm.. test it on you? If.. you don't mind." Firey chuckled.

I started thinking about it. But.. I'm dating Gelatin.. he wont find out, right? It's only a test.. I'm not exactly cheating on him, right? Me and Firey are still just friends afterwards.. We're nothing more..

I inhaled and exhaled, "It's just a test, right? We're still friends, right?" I asked. Firey nodded, "I promise, it means nothing. I just wanna know.." Firey said.

I sighed, "Fine.. but.. make it qui-"

Firey slammed his lips to mine, I was shocked. I eventually kissed him back. He wasn't a bad kisser at all, maybe Rosemary's the one that's the bad kisser. But, I wouldn't know.

We both let go and I wipe my mouth. "So.. am I really a bad kisser?" Firey asked.

"No! Not at all, you're.. pretty good if I do say so myself.." I said until it faded into a mumble.

"Oh, I'm glad. Thanks, Leafy." Firey chuckled and patted my head. I giggled, "Yeah. Anytime.."

We both continued watching Tv until it was pretty late. I got up from the couch, "Well, I'm gonna go to bed.. Goodnight, Firey." I said and made my way down the halls. As I was about to enter my room, I felt a figure grabbing my arm.

They pulled my closer and turned me around. It was Firey, "Wh-"

Firey kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, princess." Firey smiled. He let go and walked towards the guest room. I heard Firey let out a small chuckle, "You're actually making me consider breaking up with Rosemary." Firey said and walked inside the guest room.

W..What's that suppose to mean..?

I was shocked and still kind of surprised. But, I can't be thinking about those type of stuff. I'm dating Gelatin! I can't cheat on him! I don't want him to be heart-broken or murder me. Or possibly both...

I went inside my room, closed my door, and sat on my bed with a depressed sigh. I really hope Gelatin doesn't find out I kissed Firey.. I know it was just a test but.. He'd probably be mistaken.

The more I thought about it, it made me worry even more.. I tucked myself into bed and tried to sleep. I turned off my lamp and tried to sleep.

Let's just hope it doesn't happen again..

I later drifted off to sleep.

🌃💚 To Be Continued! 🧡🌃

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