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Leafy's POV:

I was still crying my eyes out, at this point, I think I've cried for 2-3 hours. I wasn't counting time... all I had in my mind was Gelatin.

"Leafy?" I heard Firey call me and heard a knock at my door.

I sniffled, "W-What..?" I asked in a teary voice. "Uhm, I just came in to check up on you.. do you need me to get you anything?" Firey asked.

"N-No.. thank you, Firey.." I answered. I later heard something slide under my door.

I later heard footsteps walking away from my door, I looked down and saw a note.

I picked it up and it read:
"Hey Leafy. Hope you're doing okay, I made some steak & salad for you on the table. Don't leave it out for too long, I'm going out with my friends for a bit. Desserts in the fridge.


Aw.. Firey's so sweet, I sighed and put the note down. I'll eat later... I don't have the energy to eat anyways.

I also heard the front door of my house opening and closing. I assumed Firey left.

I got up tiredly, grabbed my phone, and finally managed to exit my room. I walked out and it was kind of bright in the house. I squinted due to the brightness and tried to not get blind.

A few blinks, I could see normally. I walked to the kitchen and saw the meal Firey made, it looked so well-made. I was impressed on how Firey cooked, it looked like a high-class meal.

I sat down and started eating the meal. I couldn't believe it, it tasted very delicious. In the meantime, I was enjoying my meal until I get a phone call. It was from Pin, I picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Leafy?" Pin said, she sounded quite worried.

"Hm? Yeah?" I answered. "Are you feeling okay..? I just came to check up on you." Pin said. I chuckled weakly, "Y-Yeah.. I'm fine, Pin... Thanks for checking up on me." I cracked a smile.

I heard Pin giggling on the other line, "Yeah, any time, Leafy. Well, that's all I wanted to call you for. Hope I didn't interfere your time." Pin said.

"It's fine. No problem at all."

It later hung up, I placed my phone down. Pin's such a sweet person.. I'm so glad to even be friends with her.

I continued eating my meal until I was finished. I placed my dish in the sink and looked at my windowsill in front of my sink and saw one of the arts-n-crafts Gelatin gave me when we were younger.

It was a clay little pot that had a permanent marker on it saying, "Leafy & Gelatin"

I started crying and picked it up. I admired it for a while, then I fell into tears. I started crying more and then decided to call Firey.

I dialed his number and Firey picked up.

"Hello?" Firey answered the phone.

"F-Firey... p-please come home.. please.." I begged in a teary voice. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" Firey asked in a worried manner. I sniffed, "Ehm.. kind of... I just had a thought of Gelatin again and.. I-I kind of want some company.."

I heard Firey chuckling, "Of course. I'll be there." Firey hung up.

Firey's so sweet as well... I just hope I didn't ruin his time with his friends, I'm such an idiot.. but I just needed some comforting..

[ Later... ]

Firey arrived home and saw me as a huge mess on the couch.

"Leafy, you okay?" Firey asked, I nodded.

Firey sat down next to me and starting stroking my head, "S-Sorry if I was interfering your time.." I apologized.

"It's fine, one of my friends was about to go anyways." Firey said with a soft smile.

I chuckled weakly, "Yeah.."

It was silent for a while, "Can.. can I hug you..?" I asked while looking at him, a little too desperately.

I saw pink stuff on his cheeks, probably didn't mean anything.

"Oh- uhm. Of course." Firey chuckled, a little nervously? I go in for a hug and rested my head on his chest. I felt his arms wrapping around me and I felt more better.

"T-Thank you, Firey.." I giggled.


We both just sat there hugging each other, without a single conversation.

I later felt a little lightheaded and then fell asleep in his arms.

Firey's POV:

I was still hugging Leafy, she was really quiet, a little too quiet. I looked down and saw her asleep. Aw, she's such a baby.

I picked her up and decided to bring her to her room to sleep.

I placed her on her bed and she looked so cute and peaceful whenever she sleeps. I exited her room and went back to the living room.

I glanced over in the kitchen and saw that she did eat the meal I made her. I smiled, I mean.. she was sad most of the day, of course she was exhausted and ate. Or stress-eat. I don't know.

I later got a call from Rosemary, to be honest, I didn't really want to pick it up. All I know is that she's gonna be screaming into my phone.

But, with a heavy heart, I picked it up.

"Hello.." I grumbled. I didn't hear anything on the other line, but I did hear some crying noises.. what's going on?

"Hello? Rosemary? You there?" I said to the phone.

"Where.. Where are you..?" She asked. Luckily she didn't scream.

"At a friends house. Why?"

"C-Can you drop me off home... p-please.." Rosemary asked.

"Uhm.. I'm not at home right now, so I don't have my car. Why? Did something happen? You sound sad." I answered.

"Then where are you.." She asked.

"A friends house."

I heard her sigh, "Whatever.. I'll just call an Uber." She grumbled sadly.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" I asked.

She was silent.

"N-Nothing.." She finally answered. Not the answer I wanted but whatever.

She hung up on me and I sat on the couch. I sighed, whats going on?

I later heard crying noises from Leafy's room. I got up and rushed to her room and opened the door gently.

She was still sleeping, but she was crying in her sleep. She looked so sad..

I walked to her and sat on her bed. I positioned myself and laid next to her, she wouldn't mind, right?

I hugged her as she slept, she calmed down and cuddled closer to me. I held her close until I drifted off to sleep.

~ To Be Continued! ☕️✨ ~

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