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Leafy's POV:

I was sleeping until I heard the birds singing and chirping outside. I slightly opened my eyes and felt a warm sensation near me. I opened them fully and saw Firey laying next to me. In the same bed.

I got astounded and screamed in shock which caused Firey to wake up frightened by the sound of my scream.

"W-What happened!?" Firey said with shock. "W-What are you doing in the same bed as me!?" I shouted. I saw Firey's cheek getting red, he was probably embarrassed. But, what was he even doing in the same room as mine..?

"Uh.." Firey muttered. I raised a brow at him, "...Let me tell you in the kitchen." Firey said and got up from my bed. I was even more confused.

I saw him walk out and I was still confused.

[ ... ]

I exited out of my room after I got changed and saw Firey sitting at the table. I walked over and pulled open a seat and sat in it.

Firey saw me, "So.. are you gonna tell me what you were doing in the same bed as me?" I asked while sternly staring at Firey suspiciously.

His face looked a little more red, "Uhm.. well... you see- uh.. you were crying in you sleep last night and uh.." Firey stuttered.

I was even more clueless, I don't remember crying in my sleep. Or.. I guess.

"And I came in and tried to help you.. uh.. calm down and I may have accidentally fell asleep." Firey said until it faded to a mumble.

I averted my eyes while trying to hide my blush, I couldn't really stop thinking about Firey sleeping next to me. I felt my face burning and got up from my seat.

Firey looked at me confused, "What's wrong?" Firey asked as he looked up at me.

I turned around, "I-..I gotta go to work. See you-"

"Wait-" Firey stopped me.

I stopped and looked at Firey.

"You.. uh.. I'm sorry." Firey murmured. I didn't know what to say, I just stared at him.

"Uhm.. it's okay." I smiled softly. I turned back around and left the house.

I couldn't stop thinking about Firey sleeping next to me, it made my face really red.

[ At Object Deli Café.. ]

I finally made it to work and walked in to see GB and Pin working. Golf Ball noticed me, "Hey. You feeling okay?" Golf Ball asked. She suddenly made me switch my mind to Gelatin which made me get into a really bad mood.

"Eh.. yeah.." I smiled weakly. I walked past them to get changed, I wonder if they heard that Gelatin got executed..

[ ... ]

I got finished changing and as I was getting out of the dresser's room, my mind switched back to Firey which made me blush even more. Honesty, I couldn't really concentrate and I think GB and Pin noticed my behavior.

As I was taking a women's order, I felt Golf Ball tugging onto my sleeve as if she was a 6 year-old trying to ask their parents to get her a toy or something. Yeah, I'm getting side-tracked.

"Hm?" I responded to her actions.

"Come in the back after you're finished with the customers order." Golf Ball whispered. I nodded my head and saw her go in the back kitchen.

I wonder what she wants.. After I took the women's order, I headed to the back.

As I entered, Pin and Golf Ball looked at me as if they saw a zombie.

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