The Kiss

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Leafy's POV:

After Gelatin's confession, I was heading to the Café. I believe me and Gelatin were official. As happy as I am, I kind of feel empty as well... I don't know why. But, I'll try to ignore it.

I entered the Café, put down my stuff, put on my work uniform and started to get to work. I went up to the front and just signed in from the register. As I was doing that, a customer walked in.

I perked up and saw Firey.

"Firey! Haha- you weren't lying that you'd come again." I giggled.

"Yeah. I never lie." Firey chuckled.

I smiled and continued signing in from the register.

"Leafy, uh.. I know this might sound weird.. but have you think Rosemary is acting kind of strange..?"

I looked at Firey with a surprised look and I started thinking about the time Pin told me that Rosemary and a guy named Aquamarine are dating without Firey knowing. I sighed and my head started hurting... Should I tell him..? I don't wanna hurt his feelings and possibly ruin our friendship.

I snapped out of my thoughts and had to quickly think of something.

"Oh- uhm.. I dunno.. have you been getting any suspicious vibes from Rosemary or something?" I asked.

"Yeah.. basically.. whenever she's around that Aquamarine guy, I just feel like she's.. cheating or something.." Firey said with a sad sigh.

Oh gosh.. I feel so bad for him.. if I told him, he would be even more heart broken.. I guess I can't tell him yet..

"Oh.. it would've been a shame if she did actually cheat on you.."

Firey nodded. "So, what did Gelatin tell you when you went to meet with him?" Firey asked.

I stood there and looked at Firey. I don't even know if I should tell him me and Gelatin are dating- I mean- well..

"Oh yeah. Gelatin confesses his feelings to me, we're together now." I smiled. Why did I say that—

Firey smiled. "Really!? That's awesome, Leafy!" Firey said to me with happiness. Well.. at least he supports it.

[ After Work ]

It was finally after work and I was exhausted. After I changed and got my stuff, I exited out of the Café and I was walking to the Hospital again until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Firey.

I jumped in surprised. "Firey!? What're you doing here..?"

"I saw you walking so.. I went to see where you were heading. Plus, Rosemary isn't here." Firey smiled. Usually Gelatin would be the one who occasionally finds me and stuff, but this time it's Firey. It feels kind of different, I was wonder where Gelatin is though.

"Uh.. I'm heading to the hospital to visit my mom." I answered.

"Oh.. you're such a nice girl, Leafy. Gelatin must be dating the right girl because any guy would be lucky to even date you." Firey chuckled. I blushed deeply and giggled nervously. I can't tell if that was a compliment or a flirt..

"Is it okay if I walk with you there?" Firey asked.

"Hm.. sure. I mean.. a little company wouldn't hurt, right?" I giggled. Firey smiled and then we both started walking together to the Hospital.

[ 8:09pm ]

After I visited my mom, Firey told me he would drop me off at my house. I mean, he's so sweet and charming, but I've never let someone take me home due to them knowing my address. Only 1 person knows my address and it's Gelatin. I've never told anyone else.

We were walking and we had some conversations. To be honest, Firey is super fun to talk with. He's super nice and sometimes can help a person by cracking a joke.

I started walking towards the alley until Firey grabbed my wrist. "Leafy, uh.. I don't think we should go through the alley way." Firey mumbled.

"Why? I always go this way when I walk home. It's perfectly fine." I smiled.

"Well.. I'm getting some creepy vibes from this and my presence are telling you to not go in this." Firey said and held me close. I blushed really badly when he kept me close.

"Firey.. I'm sure it'll be okay.." I said and got myself out of his grips.

Firey sighed, "Fine.. but if anything happens to us. You know who's taking the blame."

I smiled and we both were walking through the alley. As usual, I didn't see anything creepy or anything so I guess Firey's "spooky vibes" were just a trick.


I turned back and saw Gelatin. Firey stopped and turned his head to Gelatin.

"Gelatin!" I ran and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"Oh, hey, Gelatin." Firey greeted. I saw Gelatin giving us suspicious looks and he looked down at me.

"Leafster.. uh.. who said you could walk with Firey to your house..?" Gelatin asked. Oh shoot, he probably thinks I'm cheating on him.

"Oh.. me and Firey were hanging out all afternoon."

Gelatin frowned at me, "Leafster, I don't trust Firey yet. What if he hurts you or does anything to you?" Gelatin whispered. Overprotective boyfriend, much?

"I'm sure he's fine, Gelatin. All he did was just walk with me to visit my mom and he offered to walk me home. Nothing's wrong." I smiled. Gelatin sighed.

"Just... don't let him do anything to you. If he does, call me or the police immediately."

I nodded, but deep inside, I knew Firey wouldn't do such a thing. After hanging out with him this afternoon, I can tell he wouldn't do anything bad to me.

"Well, I gotta head going now. See you guys tomorrow." Gelatin waved and left. Usually Gelatin hugs me before he leaves.. maybe he's not in the mood..?

Me and Firey arrived and my house and Firey dropped me off at my house.

"Thanks for dropping me off, Firey." I smiled softly.

"No problem. Maybe I can drop you off daily." Firey chuckled. I looked at Firey with a surprised look.

"Wh-What about Rosemary?.." I asked.

"Well.. Rosemary doesn't usually hang out with me in the afternoon.. so.."

Maybe it's because she's hanging out with this Aquamarine guy.. ugh..

"Oh. Well, I'd love to." I giggled.

Firey smiled and got closer. I blushed really badly. But, I'm dating Gelatin! Snap out of it, Leafy! I looked at Firey with a surprised and flustered look. He got closer and kissed my cheek. W-Wh.. He smiled and walked away.

"Bye, Leafy!" Firey called out and continued walking.

I was flustered..

what. Just. Happened...?

[ • To be Continued! • ]

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