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Leafy's POV:

After Lunch, I walked to my class, trying hard not to think too much about what Firey said. I felt like I was on the urge of tears. 


I perked up to see Gelatin, I jumped in surprise. 

"G-Gelatin!" I shouted with shock. He raised a brow at me.

"Why do you act so surprise..?" Gelatin asked in a suspicious look. I looked at the near by digital clock that was hanging off the wall.

[ 1:21 PM ]

I came up with an excuse, "Woah! Well- won't you look at the time! Only 4 more minutes until class starts- Gotta go, Gelatin- Bye!" I said in a rushing manner and dashed my way to my 6th period class.

I turned around and saw that Gelatin was still looking at me, we made eye contact. I got scared and turned my head back as I continued running to my 6th period class. 

[ Time Skip: 7th period ]

Science, with Firey. I sighed deeply and entered the class. I didn't see Firey, he must be late or something.

As I sat in my seat and took out my notes, I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I turned around to see Ruby. 

"Oh! Hey, Ruby." I smiled.

"Leafy.. haven't you heard the rumors about you..?" Ruby said with a scared look. 

"..uhm.. what rumors..?" I asked, I felt a nervous tense running through my spine.

"About Gelatin.. are you dating him?" 

I sighed, "Yeah, we are." Ruby gasped with fear.

"Leafy! Break up with him!" Ruby said as she placed both of her hands on my shoulders.


"Leafy, I'm serious! Haven't you heard!? He's. Been. Murdering. PEOPLE!!" Ruby said as she shaked me by my shoulders rapidly.

I started getting dizzy, "Hey, leave her alone." 

Ruby stopped and immediately let go of my shoulders. "I-I'm sorry, Gelatin!" 

Gelatin..? I turned around and yup, saw Gelatin. I turned back to Ruby and she looked really petrified.

"Are you okay?" Gelatin asked as he held my hand.

"G-Gelatin.. w-what are you doing here..?" I asked in a nervous tone.

"I came to check on you." Gelatin softly smiled. Great, he's also a creep and a stalker? I'm just kidding.. I think.

"Oh- there was no need for that, Gelatin." I smiled nervously. 

"Uhmm.. Gelatin. Uh.. can we talk after school..?" I asked. Gelatin gave me an anxious look, I think he knows what I'm gonna talk to him about.

"Uh- yeah! Sure." Gelatin smiled. "Well.. gotta get to class. Bye, Sugar Leaf." Gelatin said and kissed my forehead before he left. I smiled and blushed.. but I'm not too sure if I'm supposed to be happy..

I saw Firey walk in before the bell rung. 

"You're late." Mr. 9 said with a sour attitude towards Firey. 

"I know, I know." Firey said and walked over to his seat which was next to mine. 

Mr. 9 started teaching the class. I looked over at Firey and he didn't seem to be paying attention on what Mr. 9 was saying. Luckily, me and Firey sat in the back so I could socialize to Firey about his behavior.

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