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Leafy's POV:

I felt the sun's light hit my face through my window. I weakly opened my eyes and rubbed them. I later heard noises in the kitchen... wait..

I got up and opened my door so I could peek out in the hallway to see who was in he kitchen.

As I peeked my head out, I saw Firey cooking something. He seriously didn't have to cook for me..

I walked out and headed my way towards the bathroom. I had work today since I'm feeling quite better. Wonder how..

[ . . . ]

After I finished brushing my teeth and got ready, I headed my way towards the kitchen.

"Morning, Firey!" I called out. He turned around and saw me, "Oh, Good morning, Leafy." Firey smiled. He noticed I was all dressed up because he was looking at my outfit.

"Are you going anywhere? Aren't you still sick?" Firey asked and lowered the stove's temperature.

"No, I feel a lot better, somehow." I giggled. Firey moved the hair that was semi in my face.

He felt my forehead, I kind of blushed.

"Hm.. you do look okay.. but are you sure you feel a lot better?" Firey asked as he took his hand back.

I nodded with agreement. "Alright, but come eat first." Firey assisted. I giggled, "Okay."

We both later sat down to eat.

[ Later... ]

I was finally about to head out of the house so I could go to work. I waved Firey goodbye and started making my way to the Café.

As I was doing that, I saw Gelatin. Talking to this tall, purple-haired girl. I walked towards them, "Hey, Gelly!" I called out. Gelatin saw me and smiled.

"Hey, Leafster." Gelatin greeted.

I got closer to them, "So.. who's this?" I asked.

"My friend, Lollipop. She's inviting me to her company so I could try out her.. uh.."

"Repellents." Lollipop finished for Gelatin.

"Yeah- Repellents." Gelatin chuckled.. with a blush..? I'm sure he was just embarrassed.

"That's cool! Well, I'm gonna head to work now. See you later, Gelly." I said as I hugged Gelatin and continued making my way to the Café.

[ At the Café ]

As I arrived, I saw that Golf Ball was yelling at Pin... what happened?

They noticed me, "Leafy! Tell Pin to not use the catchphrase she came up with in a dumb show!" GB demanded.

I was super confused and puzzled, "What Catchphrase?" I asked.

"Some dumb catchphrase from a dumb anime show she watched." GB said in disgust.

"Hey! It's not dumb!" Pin scolded at Golf Ball.

They continued to argue, I sighed.

"Guys- just- please tell me what's going on.." I said as I walked closer to them.

"Hmph.." Golf Ball grunted.

"Well.. have you watched a show called 'Maid Rambles'? Pin asked. I nodded, "Isn't it that an anime show?" I asked. Pin nodded.

"Well, what about it? And what's this catchphrase that you and GB and arguing about?" I asked.

"Well... I kind of got the idea from the show by using seducing catchphrases." Pin giggled nervously.

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