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Leafy's POV:

I was getting off of work early due to my anger and sadness, I was walking towards my house until I saw Lollipop again. Wasn't she with Gelatin..?

I walked up to Lollipop, "Hey, Lolli..?" She looked at me with a poker face, "Uh, what?" She asked in a unpleasant mood.

"Uhm... how did Gelatin get arrested..?" I asked.

"Well, I was gonna get something in my car so I left Gelatin alone for about 5 minutes. When I came back, I heard police sirens and saw Gelatin get arrested." Lollipop shrugged. Does she even care?

I sighed, "Thanks, Lollipop.." I said and looked down at the ground with devastation.

I felt her patting my shoulder, "You'll get over him." Lollipop said and walked away. I looked at her walking away down the sidewalk then disappearing as she went down the steep hill.

I continued walking back to my house, as I entered the door, I saw Firey and... Coiny..? ( there's no fireoiny stuff happening, I promise- )

"Hey." I greeted, they turned their head towards me and gave me a shocked expression.

"Leafy, what're you doing here? I thought you were at work. Did you forget something?" Firey asked. I shook my head, "I took the day off.. I'm not feeling very well.." I murmured. Firey felt my forehead again.

"I thought I asked you if you were feeling better this morning?" Firey asked. I nodded, "I was... until I heard about it.."

"Heard about what?" Firey asked. There was a moment of silence, "..You didn't hear about it..?" I asked, Firey shocked his head.

"Gelatin got arrested..." I said, trying hard to hold in the tears that was filling up my eyes.

"He did?" Firey asked. I nodded and started to wipe my tears on my sleeve.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Firey sadly said and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Are you 2 dating now?" Coiny asked.

"Coiny, shut up, she's in a bad mood. She doesn't have time for your jokes." Firey grumbled loudly to Coiny.

I saw Coiny roll his eyes and look away from us. I let go of the hug, letting out a huge sigh. "I... I wanna go see him.." I sniffled. Firey looked at me with shocked eyes.

"After what he's done to you?!" Firey said out loud. I backed away a little, "He didn't do anything remarkably bad.. I promise.." I giggled. I knew it was a lie, but I still loved Gelatin with the bottom of my heart and I would never do anything to disobey him ( don't think about anything when she said that- ).

I saw Firey facepalm then pinching the bridge of his top nose, "..Fine. I guess I'll drop you off there." Firey sighed and looked at me with tired eyes. I was really happy, I hugged Firey again and he proceeded to hug me back.

[ At the Police Station ]

We both arrived and we both entered. We saw a women at the front desk doing some work on her computer. She noticed us and turned herself towards us.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" The women asked.

"Hi, uhm.. we're here to see one of the prisoners..?" I answered. The women looked at her computer for a hot second then looked back at me.

"Sorry, miss. It's not visiting hour yet." The women replied. "Please, it's urgent." I begged. The women shook her head, "No, miss. I'm sorry. You'll have to wait for another 2 hours."

The time was 12:36 P.M.

Why was visiting hours at 2 o'clock? I didn't ask anymore and sat in the front where the chairs were.

Firey looked dazzled and confused at the same time, "Wait, you're gonna sit and wait?" Firey asked as he walked over and sat down next to me.

I nodded, we both sat here for quite a while until I heard a scream coming from one of the rooms down the hallway. I stood up, it sounded like Gelatin's voice. What are they doing to him!? I ran towards the hallway to where I could here the scream.

I heard the women and Firey calling out and started chasing after me. I found the room where the scream was coming from and tried to open it.


I heard the women call out, I continued to break into the door and was shaking the door knob.

Firey grabbed my arms and lifted me up, "Put me down!" I shouted.

I felt tears coming down my face.

The door suddenly opened to 2 police officers. They looked so confused and shocked to see this whole scene. I tried to look down and look inside the room, but I couldn't see anything due to the fact I was literally in the sky in Firey's arms.

"Put me down, Firey... please.." I begged.

It was silent, "No.." Firey murmured and started walking away from the door. I was upset and got his grips off of me.

I got out of his arms and fell to the floor, causing to land on my knees and hurting them. But, I struggled while quickly getting up and started running towards the door again.

I, this time, saw who was in the room. It was Gelatin. Sitting in a chair. Getting shocked to death.

..I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. I started crying intensely and dashed toward him. I placed my hand on his chest and felt no heartbeat. He was completely dead.


I started crying a lot. Why did he get executed on his first day here...

"Leafy—" Firey saw me crying over Gelatin's body. The other officers came in and grabbed me out and locking the door.

"Ma'am, you weren't suppose to see that-"

"why.." I cut one of the officers off. They looked puzzled at me.

"Why did you murder him so soon... WHY?!" I shouted.

"Miss, he was one of the top 5 wanted criminals. We had to do it so our state doesn't end up with a lot of murders around." The officer explained. I couldn't care less on what she was saying. She practically murdered my boyfriend.

"...C'mon, Firey." I grumbled and stomped out. Firey followed me and heard him call out to the officer.

"Sorry about that."

Firey catched up to me and sighed, "..I'm sorry you had to see that, Leafy.."

I was silent, I was too upset to even speak anymore..

Once we arrived at my house again, I entered and ran towards my room. I slammed my door and started crying uncontrollably. I slid down towards the door and curled myself up into a ball.

Why must life hate me..? Gelatin was the only thing that supported me, and now he's gone.

I continued crying until I heard my door knocking.

"W..What..?" I murmured, I tried hard to talk.

"Leafy, you okay?" I heard Firey asked. I stayed silent, do I seem okay to you? I didn't say anything and just stayed silent.

I heard a sigh through the door, "If you need anything... I'll be out here." Firey said and I heard some footsteps walking away from my door.

I couldn't take this anymore....

[ • To Be Continued! • ]

hwaaa— sorry this was really late aoakskdk- ☕️ and kind of depressing— djdjdjsj-
sorry dkdjskd- ✨🌸☕️

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