Deadly Silent Treatment

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Leafy's POV:

Every since that day when Gelatin saw Firey take me home, he's been kind of "distancing" himself from us. I honestly don't get it. I sighed and tried hard to focus on my studies at home. It's been 3 days ever since that day and he still hasn't even talked to me.

I get a text from Firey, I pick up my phone and read the text he sent: "Leafy, do you wanna come over to my house?" I sighed and looked at all my work that was lying on the table.

I responded: "can't. i have a lot of work today :("

Firey: "oh. when are you not gonna be busy?"

I looked at my calendar that was sitting next to my work desk, it had so much stuff that is gonna be due on there.

I kind of felt bad that I couldn't do anything. I responded back to Firey: "idk but maybe after school on a friday?"

I only said that so he wouldn't be too upset. I didn't really have a lot of work on Friday so it might be an opportunity to hang out with him. Maybe I can also invite Gelatin.

Firey texted back: "Great :) see ya at school then" I saw Firey's online status turn off, yeah, he left probably. Wait, what about Rosemary? If she finds out I'm hanging out with Firey, I'm so dead. Ugh.. I'll.. ask him tomorrow.

I got off my work desk and slumped myself into bed feeling exhausted. Man.. my anxiety is kicking in..

[ The Next Day.. ]

I enter in the school building to see my friends again. I walked up to them and tapped one of their shoulders. Golf Ball turned around, "Oh- Leafy- Good morning." GB smiled. She seems pretty happy this morning..

Pin walked up to me, "Leafy.. is it true you're dating Gelatin?" I looked at her with full shock. How did she know!? I didn't tell her anything about Gelatin!

I gulped. "Uhm.. y-yeah.. sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I nervously smiled. Pin gave me an uneasy look, she looked scowled at me.

"Leafy, don't date that guy! He's a monster!" Pin said as she grabbed onto both of my arms. I got confused, "But- why?" I asked.

"Because you don't know how many times he's dated someone and practically murdered them!" Pin said with fear in her voice. My heart sank... that can't be true.. Gelatin would never hurt anybody.. but.. why..? We've been friend since 6th grade..

I sighed depressingly, "Pin.. I-I.. I can't trust you.." Pin looked heart broken.

"No- Leafy! I'm serious! You don't know how many people he killed! Please! You have to trust me! Get out of that relationshi-"

"What do you know!? Gelatin would never hurt somebody! He's the opposite of a murderer, Pin! Him and I have been best friends since 6th grade!" I shouted. Pin looked devastated, I've never seen her this hurt before. I saw Coiny coming up from her behind any hugging her with comfort.

"I suggest you to leave, Leafy." Coiny glared at me. I scoffed and went to my locker. God.. I think that's the first time I've been in an argument with them.. now I feel terrible..

When I was at my locker, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Firey and Rosemary. "Hey, Leafy. Are we still gonna meet up after school on Friday?" Firey asked. I got an uneasy feeling since Rosemary was next to Firey. Cause- y'know- she's listening to our conversation.

"Uhm.. yeah! Definitely!" I smiled nervously.

"Great, see you in first period." Firey chuckled and walked away. I looked at Rosemary again, she gave me a deadly glare before walking with Firey.

God.. I feel really sick..

[ 1st Period ]

I was in 1st period trying not to focus or even look at anyone. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed, I placed my arms on my desk and placed my head on my arms as my arms were supported by the desk. I saw Firey walking in looking at my tired expression from drowsiness. He walked to my desk and bent down at the level of my desk.

"Leafy.. are you okay..?" I looked up to see Firey right there, with his face up close. I blushed but still kept a tired expression. I sighed and shook my head.

"Oh.. what's the matter?" He asked.

"Well... uhm.. me and my friends-" The teacher clapped and told us to go back to our seats so we can get started on our work. Firey got up and sat back at his desk. For me, I just felt so unmotivated and tired.

[ After 1st Period ]

I got out of 1st period so I could go to 2nd period until I saw Firey walking from behind me.

"So.. what were you gonna say?" Firey asked.

I sighed, "Can.. Can I tell you near the stairways at lunch?" I asked.

"Oh, of course." Firey smiled.

We both parted our ways to get to our 2nd period class. Firey is just so kind.

[ Lunch ]

It was finally lunch so I decided to sit near the stairways while everyone went to their place of comfort to have lunch. I sat there waiting for Firey. Firey eventually arrived and saw me sitting on the stairs, he sat next to me.

"So.. what's wrong?" He asked.

"Well.. uhm... me and my friends got into a fight this morning about.. Gelatin.." I said and almost felt tears in my eyes.

"Oh? What did they say about Gelatin..?" He asked.

"I.. Well.. they said that he was a murderer and murdered anyone he was with or something.." I said as I tried to process the memory of what Pin said to me.

Firey hummed in response. "Well.. did you believe them?"

"No.. I know that Gelatin would never hurt someone.. he's really protective than being a killer.." I said with a sniff.

"Well.. what if I told you those were true.." I perked up and looked at Firey in deep shock.

"W-What are you talking about?!" I asked. 

"Leafy, you don't see it because you're the only person that Gelatin treasures you. You're valuable to him, he wouldn't dare hurt you. But, his previous lovers, he killed them." Firey explained.

I looked at him with pure shock, t-this can't be true- Gelatin isn't a murderer- at all! Am I just being too naive and biased..?

I couldn't believe on what I was hearing.. there was just no way.. "So.. you're saying that Gelatin is actually a murderer..?" I asked.

Firey nodded, "How do you know then.." I asked.

"Leafy, I've seen Gelatin murder his previous lover." Firey said. Wait.. the last time he had previous lover was 4 months ago.. how- but Firey just moved here- how would he know.

"I know it sounds hard to believe, but 4 months ago.. I saw him kill his lover in the alley way you walked in 3 days ago. Why do you think I had an uneasy feeling about the alley way?" Firey said.

This isn't real.. it can't be.. but.. it is.. "But.. I thought you said that you and Gelatin were good buds or something.."

"I only said that so you don't think I'm against him, which I'm not really. I just don't feel safe around him, and neither should you."

I started crying and felt Firey pulled me closer to him. "Let it all out.. I know.." Firey comforted me while I just cried while hugging him back.

"Leafy, I suggest you go talk to him as soon as possible.. or else..

you would be next.."

🌸[ To be Continued! ] 🌸

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