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Leafy's POV:

I was still a blushy mess as I got into bed. I was so flustered on what Firey said to me, I went to my room while trying to walk properly.

I made it to my room and plopped on my bed. I started thinking about how Firey finally knew that Rosemary wasn't the right girl for him, I'm so happy and relieved for him that he finally doesn't have to be wrapped around her fingers anymore.

I looked at the time.

[ 8:04pm ]

I sighed, I probably should get some rest. I have school tomorrow and I don't want to be an exhausting mess. I decided to go to the 2nd bathroom since Firey has the one that I usually go to. I walk to the 2nd bathroom and do my nightly routine.

🌙✨☁️ [ ... ] ☁️✨🌙

After I was done, I went back to my room and tried getting some sleep. I went under the covers and drifted off to sleep.

🌤🌸 [ The next day ] 🌸🌤

It was the next day and I got ready for school. After I changed, I went to the guest room and knocked on the door to make sure if Firey was up. "Firey? Are you up?" I asked while I incessantly kept knocking on the door.

"Huh?" I heard Firey answer.

"Get up, Firey. We need to go." I replied. "Alright, I'll be out there in a minute." Firey responded again. I walked away from his door and grabbed my bag. I was checking if I got everything and then went outside to wait for Firey.

Firey eventually was ready and was ready to leave as well. "C'mon, Sugar Leaf." Firey said with a smile and started walking. I blushed, he called me a Sugar Leaf- oh my goodness- my heart is gonna melt-

I followed Firey while trying hard to hold my blush, it wasn't easy. "So, Leafy." Firey spoke. I perked my head up to him, "Yeah?" I answered.

"Uh.. You don't have to answer this but.. how did your mom end up in the hospital? I'm sorry if it was supposed to be personal, I just couldn't help but wrap my mind about it." Firey chuckled nervously. I kind of frowned that I suddenly remembered my mother was in the hospital.

"Uhm, it's fine.. but... my mother.. well.." I murmured.

"She kind of had a stroke.. and it turns out she had a lot of brain damage... and her brain isn't functioning correctly anymore so I have to let her stay there to at least recover." I answered while holding back my tears.

"Oh my oxygen.. I'm so sorry to here that, Leafy.. I hope she'll get better eventually.." Firey sadly said. I forced a chuckle weakly, "It's okay.."

"So.. does she have amnesia?" Firey asked. I shrugged, "The doctors aren't fully sure if she does or not. But, I'm just praying she doesn't.." I answered while holding on of my arm.

We both continued to talk and finally arrived at the school premise.


We both heard someone calling out to Firey, and I knew 99% sure on who called Firey. I turned my head to see, yup, Rosemary. Not that big of a surprise. I groaned angrily as she approached us.

"Firey, where were you? And how come I wasn't able to contact you?!" she asked angrily.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you, we're over." Firey responded. The look on Rosemary's face just looked like as if she saw a ghost. It was hilarious.

"Wh- what do you mean-?!" she shouted. "Do you not get it? I'm breaking-up with you, Rosemary." Firey said.

Rosemary looked like she was about to cry and then glared at me, "This is all your fault, Leafy Lemon!" Rosemary shouted at me angrily. Firey stopped her, "Actually, it wasn't her fault, it's your own fault." Firey confronted.

"What did I even do!?" She yelled at Firey.

"Don't play dumb, Rosemary. You cheated on me with Aquamarine." Firey said angrily. She gasped, "Wh-" 

Firey turned his head to me, "Come on, Leafy. Class is about to start." Firey said and then grabbed my hand. I blushed intensely but tried to hide it. Firey then took me inside the building, I looked back at Rosemary who was looking at us angrily while crying.

"I'm sorry about that, Leafy. She just always have to make a scene." Firey mumbled.

"I-It's fine, Firey.." I giggled nervously. His hand was still holding onto mine and I was so close to becoming a tomato.

"U-Uh.. Firey, uhm.. I hope you notice that we're still holding hands.." I murmured to Firey. Firey then looked at his hand and took it back in surprise. "Oh-! Sorry, Leafy- I didn't mean to-" Firey apologized but, for some reason, was surprised.

"It's fine." I smiled nervously. We then saw Aquamarine passing us down the hall, Firey, of course, had to call out to him.

Aquamarine noticed him and they both started chatting with each other. I looked at the time and waited for Firey.

He eventually came back, "So, what did you 2 talk about?" I asked curiously. "I may have asked who he was dating in the first place." Firey chuckled.

"Oh. Who?"

Firey shrugged, "He didn't really say who."

The bell rung.

"Ah shoot. I gotta go, see you later, Firey." I waved my hand at him and dashed to my 1st period.

🕰 ❀ Huge Time-Skip: After School ❀ 🕰

School was finally over and I started walking to the Café. Firey then ran to me, "Hey, Leafy." Firey called to me.

"Hm? Yeah?" I asked.

"Uh, here." Firey handed me a.. bracelet..? It was a mint colored bead bracelet jewelry. I confusingly took the bracelet and started inspecting it.

"Aw.. this is cute, Firey. What is it for though?" I asked.

"Well.. my art teacher told us to make a craft for the one we care most or is the most important person to us. And, I decided to make a bracelet for you." Firey chuckled as he took his hand and put it behind the back of his head. Though, I was blushing very intensely. He thinks I'm the most important person to him- wh-

"U-Uhm- t-thank you, Firey- but- you could've gave it to your parents-" I said.

"Well, I love them and all, but I don't care as much for them since.. they don't really have time for me." Firey sighed. Oh, I regret saying that. I patted his shoulder, "Well.. thanks, Fireball." I giggled and then kissed his cheek.

What the hell did I just do-

I moved my head back away from his cheek and put on the bracelet.

"Thank you, Firey. I'll see you later." I smiled and then walked away. A few steps later, I started blushing intensely on how I kissed his cheek. I mean.. we did kiss once but it was just a test..


🌸🧸✨ • To be Continued! • ✨🧸🌸

A/N: I'm sorry if I kept you waiting for the next chapter lol

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