chapter 13: Alive

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                    Chapter 13: Alive


Past, beyond the vale
My earliest memory was the sound of screams that filled the room as my mothers blood rained upon me, it was that day that I was sold to the king wrapped in a cloth that suppressed my abilities and chained for added measure.

I was a youngling barley able to form complete sentences, I didn’t tell anyone the reason why my mother died or how. They didn’t ask if I did it, just assumed and I didn’t stop they. It was my fault anyways maybe if they killed me I would be with my mother again.

Sadly my wish wasn’t what happened, instead I was trained to be a child soldier. My life that my mother tried so hard to make better for me became pain, hate, cold and numbness.

I survived.

The small light that I looked forward to was the child hidden in the walls. When I first found them they spoken on different tones and there was a woman with them. The child would fluctuate between happy, normal and extreme depression and anger but they were always nice to me but then the woman vanished taken by the dark man and then the screams came, they would tell me that the dark man started to use them the way they used the woman whom I found out was the mother.

When the time came that I found the entrance into the hidden passages in the walls and found them the sight was burned into my mind,  it had been 10 years since I had found “them" but the them had turned into just him by the time I understand and was able to help save him. The bodies of two children were laying huddled decaying in the filthy small dark room, the smell was so strong my eyes burned and sitting there in the filth was the surviving child staring with eyes all black with white irises full of stars at me and speaking in three tones saying only: Friend.


Current time, beyond the Vale.

Da’sani clung to me as I walked us past the kings soldiers, they gave me looks but knew better then to question me. It took years to snake my way into the kingdom and whisper in the kings ear but when I told him I was his child soldier from the past he opened up his arms to me willingly but I never underestimate him.

I know what he is capable of.

My eyes drift to the ice colored boy in my arms, he never failed to make my heart skip a beat, you would never know he was one of the oldest beings in the realm or that he was an elder seer not a youngling as the king thought when he killed off the village but I never told anyone if he knew he would have attempted to force him to use his other abilities. For one so old he was so innocent.
His lovely white eyes glanced at me and when he caught me staring his eyes widened and he chirped before hiding his head in my shoulder and his hair faded from ice blue to a light purple.

“Aw are you blushing from just a glance from me Da’sani? Or does it remind you of something else?” I whisper to him taking a detour away from his tower prison.

I had three minutes before anyone noticed and these three minutes meant the world to him.

I sat him down on his feet in a small patch of babys breath flowers to which he squealed and dug his bare feet into the ground and I saw the silver veins run from his feet up his legs as the earth gave him its energy and shivered with pleasure as his breathing sped up and his hands twisted in the thin dress like slave clothes he wore.
Watching him like this was the highlight of my visits here, I could imagine making love to him naked on the ground while the earth gives him its energy and I give him my seed.


I grunt put an apology as I adjust myself then pull him from the earth as he fights me to stay, its always a fight tearing him away from the only comfort and energy he ever gets.

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