Ch 9: child of water

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My memories factured, I remembered the blood then being stabbed, yelling and then screams and smoke and fear then calm quiet singing. So sad, light and morbid but beautiful nonetheless.

Forcing my eyes open i turned to see young man with the same bluish skin as the man I saw before but lighter and with a slight shimmer to it as if he had a fever or was covered in fairy dust.

His sat to the left of me on a hard cobbled floor bandaging his arm from the look of the room it looked as if a fight had taken place, blood and broken objects littered the floor and walls. The only thing not touched was the soft bed i laid on.

I sat up feeling bandages tighten around my waist when I was stabbed.

He helped me? Was he a prisoner too?

I cleared my throat to get his attention and watched as his entire body went stiff and his head swung to face me causing his blanket of blue silver hair to whip around in a mesmerizing dance before his eyes that matched the first man i had seen.

They must be related?!

"Uh d-did you bandage me?" I saw him flinch when I spoke and clinch his eyes closed but he didn't move, just stayed stock still as if waiting for me to hurt him.

"I won't hurt you, my name is LaRanzo. What's yours? Are you ok?" I noticed the blood on his thin wrist and the bruises and cuts littering his body! Who did this too him?! And he was so thin! I moved before I thought about it and rushed to him causing him to crab walk away from me so fast that he hit the wall so hard as he gasped.

"I am so sorry! I-i didn't mean to scare you." I sat back on my heels and tried to find the bandages he was using early. Finally locating it across the room i motioned for him to stay there and grabbed it before rushing back fully expecting him to have run but to mu shock he stayed locked in the same position. This poor boy, what had they done to him?

Scooting towards him once my inch i finally made it to him and just sat there until his shaking subsided and he finally lowered his arm, i leaned forward taking his arm and begain to bandage it. He watched me intently but the shaking has slowed them stopped completely.

"Can I have your name? Mines is LaRanzo" I said again watchibg as his eyes flicked away when I caught his staring again. He was adorable!

"Ayioshi. Are- Are you mine?"  He said and I was shocked how deep his voice was, deep but melodious and somewhat innocent, there was no anger or hate just excitement?

"Oh uh no I don't belong to you but I am a friend!" When I had said no his eyes had looked so sad but at ghe mention of being friends his white iris glowed like pale diamonds.

"Yes friends! I- I am yours." Be gave a short nod as if that settled everything and I could only smile. He'd fit in well with everyone, they would probably even like him more then me. He was definitely prettier and he was so adorable.

I attempted to fight of the overwhelming feeling of being abandoned, i know they hadn't left me, i know they didn't choose Ayioshi over me! They hadn't even met him!!

"Why do you hurt?Did I.... do you not want to be friends? Do you not want Ayioshi?"

"NO NO! I was remembering my other friends, they must be worried about me? Look all done bandaging! Why don't you lay down and ill try and find some food?" I daid but a loud bang from a connected room made us both jump. Then stopping and complaining before the door flew open making me squeak.

Another man who looked very similar to the man i saw before and also Ayioshi but his hair was cut short to his ears but the same hue hair the slightly darker the Ayi's but not as dark as the taller scary dudes.

He looked at us smiled then frowned as he glanced around.

"How are you fairing Ayioshi? This was a more violent...visit. let me help you get everything cleaned up"  the man said as he smiled again and begain clearing the mess up and Ayioshi stood up for the first time and i was shocked how tall he was! He toweres over me! As I stood gaping at Ayi and him shyly smiling down at me i did not notice the other man approach until he was throwing an arm around Ayi's shoulder.

" and what is your name? Thank you for helping Ayioshi. I am Van. I heard Grim say the child water would be staying here, he is not usually so kind."

"I am LaRanzo. Are you related to Ayi? Is grim the one who-who killed that man? Will I be able to go home and what is a child of water?!" I rattled off as the man started to clean again with Ayi's help. A few moments pass so I start to help them clean and once the room is clean does he awnser.

"A child of water was an old prophesy told to children to give hope, basically an endearment. Do not think about it too much. Yes! Me Ayi? Lol I like this shortening, and Grim are brothers tho Grim is the king, i am an advisor and Ayi is just Ayi. As for you going home, first we must make you healthy then we shall talk to Grim but it osnt safe with the war. What strange ears you have..."  Van said as he snapped his fingers and more normal elvin people brought in a ton of food.

"My ears are normal!" I muttered and he just chuckeled as the men put the food down and I noticed their lychous looks directed at Ari who has shrunk in on himself and kept his eyes down while Van either didn't notice or ignored the looks.
For some reason I felt really protective of Ayioshi tho so of his brother wouldn't speak up i would!

"Please l-leave ... you are staring and and its creepy.." i said just loud enough that everyone's dead snapped towards me. Two looked pussed as if they couldn't believe i spoke to them but one, one looked at me with the same look he gave Ayi.

"and who do we have here? A new comer? Tell me little one what is your name?" He said as he reached towards me only for his hand to be grabbed by Van and t g e friendly look was completely gone and he looked more like his brother Grim.

"YOU are not to touch this boy, in fact NONE of you are. Understood? I said UNDERSTOOD!"  He screamed and hi heard a snap of the man's wrist as he hollered his yes and the other two readily agreed before they ran out of the room.

Van stood with his back to me and his hands in his hair as he muttered in another language until he calmed then hastily left with a muttered apology that he was late and would check on us later.

Me and Ayi sat in silence for a moment but t h e food smelt so good o started to eat while Ayi watched like he was dying to eat but too afraid.

"Eat Ayi, you need this more then I do." I said as I put a piece of unknown sweet meat on his mouth, shocked when he really opened then darted his tounge put to livk my fingers before hiding looking away with his blue skin darkening jusy slightly.

He wouldn't feed himself no matter how much I encouraged him so we sat and he fed me as i fed him since it was all he was comfortable doing. After I laid down ready to rest, my body was to exhausted and witg my wound still healing it drained me. I opened my eyes to see him lay beside me and cover us and I nodded off counting all of the shimering stars in his eyes.

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