ch 11: The lamb

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                   Chapter 11: The lamb


"There once was a boy who wanted to die, to die so much he started to cry but when the time came they started to fuss to call him selfish and that they needed him much. So the boy now man contenued to breathe those it hurt him indeed and when the time came he finally cried he was told to stop for they still needed him most. So the man ceased to cry and locked away his pain from prying eyes but still so alone that he needed another, so he broke off a limb and created another and secretly he opened up to himself whim he could trust until the day he-"

"Omg Ayioshi! That's depressing as fuck! Who told you this song? Jesus!" I said glancing up at him from my spot on his lap as he carded his fingers through my hair.

"Hmm no one taught us this song we have always know it." He said as his head dropped slightly to the left as he thought about it.

It had been three weeks since I was 'saved' as Van had said but it didnt feel like being saved as much as captured.

The fourth day I had snuck out of the room, the strange men from the first day had come back everyday but left in an angry huff when they saw me still there but they didn't show today, I wanted to explore, find a way out and escape with Ayi before they returned. Instead i got lost, ran into some guards who chased me down a long corridor before running into the tall man from when I first arrived.

His face never changed as he grabbed my arm, keeping me pressed to him but he made no other movement and I stared at his blood splattered black boots.

I heard the guards speed around the corner but they clamored to a stop in front of the man, scared that they would see me i wrestled from his grip which was surprisingly gentle and easy to break before i hid behind his large frame.

"My king! W-we are sorry! The-the child of water was wondering around and we wanted to lead him back but he ran?" The guard ended in a squeal but the man only growled and the guards bowed and then ran back down the hall. Was this a normal occurrence?

I stiffened when he turned to me but he did nothing but stand there, i felt like time had slowed down and were were standing there for hours.

"Um... hi? Is-is your name Grim? Your brother told me that was your name, thanks for s-saving me." He said nothing but stepped closer to be and I made the mistake of letting my eyes slowly glide up his body. Hot damn he was Gorgeous, his horns were elegant like a gazelles twisting up and away and if I looked closer the black of his eyes were like the nights sky like Ayi were but instead of the bluish hue it was pitch black.
I didn't notice I had walked towards him or that he had knelt down so he was my height or that I had rested my hands on his broad shoulder until I felt him tense.

Was he shaking?

"So pretty" i muttered and reached to touch his hair which he had let fall into his face as if to hide from me but his hands never moved from his sides. Then I heard it or felt it i don't know how I knew but I needed to get to Ayioshi, the need was so strong I screamed and feel to my knees before taking off back down the corridors.

I didn't know how I knew where the room was after all my exploration but I did and when I opened the door I screamed at the sight of him being kicked in the gut over and over by the two men who were there the first day. While the one kicked him the other beat off before flipping him over and tearing the thin gown like clothes he wore.

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