Chapter 16: Push and Pull

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Chapter 16: Push and Pull


My eyes watched him as he moved around the courtyard he was gorgeous and graceful almost like living water, his eyes like endless stars flickered to me yet again but I didn’t move from the stone railing I reclined on.

His hair was braided down his back, swinging as he turned to pace to the other side of the courtyard. I knew he saw me, smelled me. I was so tempted to go down and pull his long hair free from its bindings a taste his lips.

I shivered when his eyes locked mine and I took a deep breath trying to settle the twisting of need the ran through me.

This was a daily issue for me now, ever since I woke up the siren power hidden inside me, I changed.

Ok maybe not changed a whole bunch but I was constantly.. uh well..

Ahh horny.

Almost non-stop, I had always thought I was A-sexual because even when I liked someone (Mayan) I didn’t feel sexual towards them. Now all I wanted was sex, I masturbated at least twelve times last night, it didn’t help that the focus of my desires were triplets.

On a better note I was less afraid now as well, probably because I’ve been here for at least two years and I know if anyone messes with me Grim would end them. Literally.
Grim was the strength I needed for so long, he could be scary but it was never directed at me. It was a heady feeling that made me a bit reckless at times.

I could fight now as well as control my abilities, I could entice people with my voice (well those of weak will, I tried it on Van but he just looked at me strange), I can move fast but not as fast as Van or Ayioshi and I can use my voice like a blast! Besides that my eyesight is so much better, I can see SO much… like the twitch of Ayi’s ear’s or the shape of Van’s ass in those cloth pants or falling in Grim’s eye’s, I can smell better too and hear a pin drop.

Ah Grim, he’s been avoiding me, it’s like he knows I want to look at him with my new senses.

But it also could have been because of what Van calls the “Incident” which lead to me being in a separate room from Ayi and basically being told I couldn’t have contact with him by myself which made no sense! If anything I  was the one attempting to take advantage of Him! But no! I’m seen as a child still!

In short I had been wooing Ayi, I moved slowly knowing his history with the soldiers here I had to make sure he knew I wasn’t like them, then I had planned to move onto Van then the hardest Grim.

Of course I had yet to figure out how to tell them all I wanted to date them at the same time nor really thought about it, to many other things were on my mind at the time.
Everything started out innocently enough, after training I would shower then lie down with Ayi, I was exhausted and my body hurt the first few months but as time went on I wasn’t as hurt or tired and sleep didn’t readily come to me so I would lay there and watch Ayi, I engraved his sleeping face into my minds eye and my imagination quickly took over, rushing blood to my nether regions, I went to the bath relieve myself.
In my rush I didn’t close the door all the way and as I came I heard Ayioshi’s breath hitch. Had he heard me? I was mortified and didn’t sleep that night but as the sun rose a nefarious plan had formed in my head.
First I would woo Ayioshi then Van then Grim. I expected resistance when I told them I wanted to date them all but I saw the longing in Ayioshi’s eyes when he looked at Van, as if he wished to be held by him. I could work on that.

It was later that week I put my plan into action, I started by making masturbating a daily routine ( I needed it) but leaving the door open a crack and slowly making it earlier and earlier till I was already jacking off when I heard Ayi enter our room and his steps slow as he stopped at the bathroom door.

I could feel his eyes on me and it only made me harder as I pumped faster, tightening my fist when it glided to the crown of my dick making me gasp and shiver and the small gasp I heard from behind me made my balls draw up. I was so close, so very close when I heard the whimper and the push of the door as Ayi stepped him.
I turned and watched him slowing but not stopping as I watched him stare at me before his eyes slowly lowered to my groin then back up to my lips. I wanted him to kiss me so bad, to touch me. The thought almost sent me over.

“I- I… Can I? Please?”  He stutter coming close but not touching me, God he is so sweet! I slowly reached out and touched his chest feeling his breath panting out of him in small bursts.

“Touch me, please! K-kiss me!” I said as his hands slowly went to my face and his warm body pressed against mine, in the moment his eyes were sober and he seemed so mature and older then before as he leaned and pressed his warm lips to mine then again firmer. I shivered as shocks of pleasure shot through me and I started jerking myself off in earnest, the sound of small sleek small slaps filled the room, when his hand glided over my cockhead my legs bulked and I gasped and he deepened the kiss slowly peaking his tongue into my mouth.

I copied his actions, letting him take over jerking me off, the slide of his hand was bliss, his hands were soft but so experienced tightening on the pull up and twisting at the head before sliding down again.

I was shaking and muttering nonsense by the time my orgasm was cresting, at some point my legs had given out and Ayi had lowered us my back still to his chest and my legs shamelessly spread to give him better accesses as he licked a line from my neck to my ear before nibbling on it and whispering something I couldn’t comprehend while my bodies nerves felt as if he was stroking them.

I knew I was loud, very loud, I couldn’t control my voice but I felt more then saw a figure at the door bit I was to focused on Ayi and the fire in my body as he brought me to the edge and back over and over till I was a shaking mess with drool pooling at corner of my mouth but I reached back and ran my hand against the firm bulge I felt at my back and heard him grunt and thrust into at the touch and I suddenly imagined being on my knees as he thrust at my back and my orgasm slammed into me I screamed as my body jerked and my head fell back against Ayi’s chest and he kept pumping me through my orgasm, prolonging everything until it became to much and I whimpered, kissing his neck as my breathing slowed then he pulled my face up to kiss me hard before he was yanked away from me.

Shock and pain filled my chest when he was backhanded so hard be was thrown back and the side of his face hit the metal stand holding the wash bowl.

All pleasure fled as I stared at him laying on the floor, Blood pooling my his head. I went to run to him but my arm was grabbed causing me to swing around and see Grim standing there with a murderous scowl on his face, I had never seen him so angry, not even after I snuck out once. He wasn’t the one holding me thought, it was Van, His face set in a neutral expression, He didn’t even glance at Ayioshi.

“Let me go! Ayi! Why- why would you DO that?!” I screamed tears running down my face, instead Van had just pulled me out of the room as u screamed and fought against his steel like hold. He said nothing as he took me to another room on the other side of the keep pushed me in and just looked at me.

I gave him an angry look and finally saw the façade he wore break into a sad pained expression, his lower lip trembled as if he was moments away from crying and only then did I notice the stream of blood on his face near his right eye.

“Van a-are you ok? You are bleeding! We- we didn’t do anything wrong!” I pleaded taking a step forward but he just closed the door and left.

That was two weeks ago, during that time Grim avoided me and Van barely spoke but when he did it was rules rules rules. Stay away from Ayi, he’s not safe. He forced me blah blah blah. My words feel on deaf ears, Van didn’t care that I wanted Ayi and had consented, all that mattered was I basically become a celibate! I had a feeling they were jealous but no matter how jelly you are you don’t hurt your brother and I made it clear I was pissed at them but all Van did was looked pained started walking away but stopped and said if I was caught within 200 feet of Ayi he’d be removed from the keep and the protection it provided, basically telling me that the protection from the solders and knights ended if he had to leave. In that moment I hated them, I hated Van and Grim who used their brother as a pawn piece and sex slave.

So I listen to this rule at least, I had to stay 200 ft away bit that didn’t mean I couldn’t watch his or tease him. I whistled down to Ayi as he passed directly underneath me causing him to glance up, when he did I blew him a kiss making his light blue skin flush a slightly darker blue and his smile before he clumsily did it back. I saw Van on the other side, lips set in a thin line and brows pushed together in a frown.

I just glanced at him then back down at Ayi before flashing my bare chest at him. I heard him gasp before he laughed and I could hear a blood vessel pop in Van across the way.

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