ch. 10 the broken heart

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A/n hey yall! Here to drop another chapter then fall off the face of the earth for a bit again. *Gore warning! Please skip if bothered* A/n


The worry that filled me when I glanced at the comatosed hybrid disturbed me, why should it bother me that he was like this?
He lunched at me, he started it! I should feel NO guilt over his current predicament but the look on Zayans face as he sat at his bedside hurt.

Did he not remember me? What was this child to him? Did he no longer want me?

The feeling of being overwhelmed with the crushing pain was too much, i needed to drown it out. Only one thing drowned it out.

A healer entered and i pushed off the wall i was leaning on to walk over and listen.

"The patient is going to be ok, you bruised his heart but with his abilities he is heing fast" the healer stated ficing her amber eyes on Zayan with a frown "he should be awake but we are unsure why he is still sleeping? Maybe he just exerted himself? We don't have much information on hybrids here." She said while shifting uncomfortably at the growing anger on Zayans face.

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? FIGURE IT OUT" he screamed and the poor healer ran from the room as he huffed, gripping the side of the hybrids bed till it splintered.

He was still perfect.

"Do you not remember me?" I asked as I stepped closer to him, the heat from his anger rolled off of him in short waves and i loved it! Was he still as strong as he was before the purge?

"My name is Mayan and NO I don't Remember you, please leave me alone." He ground out at me from between clenched teeth. I couldn't help but drown in his anger. It was intoxicating but not enough...

"Come soar with me" i wanted to feel his hands on me, no matter how briefly.


"The hybrid will be fine, dont be do pathetic. Are you... Are you bonded?" I got out, the thought alone that he could never be mine was enough almost make me heave but I played ot off as an attempt to be antagonistic.

At those words his eyes flashed red with anger.

" He is MINE! stay away! I just want to sit here with him" and just like that his anger dissipated! NO!

"I am sure the hybrid would much prefer a real lover, one who won't tear his heart out" i sneered at him and my words hd the desired effect, Zayan lunched himself out of the seat knocking the chair to the ground, grabbed me by the neck and slammed me against the wall several times until my world shook with the force. I felt a rib break and blissful pain filled my body.

"His name is KANE, NoT hybrid. Just-just leave us alone! What do you want?!" He spat at my face so close I could feel the heat if his lips.

Quicker then he ould follow i wrapped my dangaling legs around his hips and yanked him forward before while using my hands to lift myself up to kiss those full lips I had missed so much. He was shocked and didn't resist at first, no in fact he pulled me closer before shoving my back.

"What is wrong with you!!" He yelled while attempting to get me off. I head butted him, when he started at me in confusion I mutter that I would fuck the hybrid and he lost it.

Before I knew I was on the floor and he was tearing at me, he had lost the glammer that was surrounding him and i was blessed with his original beauty. The master Vampiric Elf one and only of his kind. I would gladly die by his hand but before that I would come from the gift of pain he gave me.

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