Chapter15: Love of a Darkstar

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Chapter15: Love of a Darkstar


I slammed the doors of the palace open as the weight of what I had to tell my love ripped through me.

I should have know my parentage would have something up his sleeve, he knew he couldn't stop Rain from going with me so he did THIS, I dealt with sharing a tent with Tillin before but Rain would not tolerate the molestation I had to endure passively before to keep the peace. No it would be a blood bath and my father would use that as a reason to try and kill him. Again.

The sigh that left my body was tight and quiet, no one would have noticed, no one ever noticed except Rain and as if I had called him he appeared by myside sliding his arm through mine and tugging me towards my war horse Miley named after one of his childhood TV series characters, Miley Cyrus or another.

"Why are you sighing? Why are you upset?" Rain said kissing my lips then forehead

"there- hmm there has been a change to the sleeping arrangements, I beg you to please remain calm, I shall find a solution" I said quickly as I saw the realization dawn in his eyes followed quickly by anger

"So he is going to force you to tent with Tillin, isn't he?" he said in a low voice that made my mind go to other places and I would have let it if I had not seen the looming death threat in his eyes " where does he expect me to sleep?"

"It is of no worry, my love. I will find a way to fix this, all I ask is don't try to murder them till I find a solution" I said as I kissed his face and neck, trying to distract him from the murderous rage I saw building in him.

It didn't work.

"My light, I will wait but know when night falls I am sleeping in that fucking tent. Pray for whoever try's to stop me." He said before storming off, I assume to find his friends and make sure they were prepared as well.

I turned on my heels, rolling my shoulders slightly to get some tension out but to my building annoyance it remained.

"Come Miley, let us see what can be done about our thorn." I said grabbing the reins and leading her with me, I know my people questioned her name, a large brown and white golfinish war horse with gold eyes and hooves that could easily crush an elves head named Miley, but I ignored them and Miley loved her name and her Yrue owner, my lover.

"My prince, we are prepared to move out" Dune said but he seemed skittish and on edge as his eyes glanced back and forth around us.

"Good, is something the matter?" I said throwing my fourth sight out around the area and sensing nothing.

"What? Oh,no its nothing my prince. Are you prepared?" He said very purposely staring at me and not glancing around tho I sensed his building need to do so.

"Hmm if you say so, I have a request for you, if you aren-"

"YES! I'll do it!" He half yelled cutting me off then glanced down and around when I arches my brow at him. Something was definitely off.

" Please see if you can procure another sleeping tent, it doesn't need to be large just enough for two, tell no one" I said already walking past as he bowed and sped off. He was unbelievably fast.

I prayed my plan worked.


My tension mounted as midday turned into evening and we began looking for a clearing to make camp, all day Tillin had made snide remarks and hinting at how they couldn't wait till night time to "Rest" and the entire time Rain sat behind me quietly, he didn't need to speak with the waves of dark power waving off him whenever his anger hit.

I blew the bold horn, a horn made from a boldmish,a large creature with four tusk and two large horns that shed yearly, it's wolly like greenish fur helping it to blend in with the forest. The horn causes a wide spread vibration instead of a loud sound. Rain's two friends jumped at the feeling, but even that didn't raise the dark cloud hovering over Rain.

Slowly everyone began to dismount and pitch tents, the largest, a massive gold, red and black tent was erected for me, I knew inside would be a large plush bed with at least a dozen pillows, silk sheets, a desk and more but only one bed. One bed meant to be shared with Tillin. I glanced at Dune who gave me a small nod, letting me know the other tent had been pitched in the location I had requested earlier, the commander seemingly fine with grunt work. Strange but I could trust him.

I said nothing as the evening went on and when at I could put it off no longer I got up and with a sigh, started heading towards the large tent.



My body stiffened as I saw my love get up and start towards the big tent, all day he had purposely avoided my gaze. I saw the tension and stress in him but I didn't have it in me to calm him, I was fucking wound up. My energy was all over the place and no amount of breathing would calm it. I needed him with me. No one could touch him. He was MINE.

Several of the men moved a bot away from me and I knew that meant I was losing control and my power was bleeding out so I breathed out, smiled (grimaced) and excused myself from the fire pit. My friends giving me a looks but I just nodded as I walked to the tent.

I could hear Tillin's voice floating past the flap, so I stopped and peered inside.

Tillin was standing Very close to Hyde, I couldn't make out all of what they were saying due to how windy it was here but I heard bits and those bits made my blood boil.

"...come to bed...meant to be.... Just leave him.... What yhe king would want.. .. .. Betrothed"

The wind picked up more whipping the tents around the clearing shake and pull, somewhere I heard a clatter but it was distant as my focus remained pinned on them.

Then Hyde's eyes left Tillin's and landed on me and the slightest smile lifted his lips. Suddenly everything was crystal clear, the wind was nothing but a soft brush on my skin and the warm night air floated his voice over to me.

"I bid you goodnight, you may take this tent, I have other arrangements" and he smoothly walked right by Tillin and up to me.

"Come my Darkness." He said as he lifted me up and carried me across the camp grounds to a small te t on the outskirts.

"It is small, and we only have a few pelts but I hope they will please you?" He said staring hard at the little tent as he wrung those beautiful fingers, I smiled grabbing his hands to kiss them.

"It's perfect, and that's ok! I know other ways to keep us warm. I said with a wink stripping as I climbed inside.

Fuck you, Tillin!

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