Chapter 1: A start to a bad day

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I waited as usual by the out line of the dense wooded area for the others as my eyes scanned the foggy road and surrounding area to make sure no one had followed me.

Mainly my stepbrother and his friends, he was extra pissed since he didn't get his way today.

'I'd pay for it tonight' I thought but it was fine.

I was always fine.

I jerked as a I watched a head appear around the side of a house, quickly looking around before the person spotted me and ran at me full force, arms pumping and I squeaked as they barreled into me.

"Goooooood Morning RanRan!" The pretty boy screamed as he hugged my prone form.

This was Mayan Glacier a really high active, well liked pretty boy. From his long platinum blonde hair and big gray eyes everyone fell in love with him.... including me but no one knew that. They didnt need to know. He pulled his very, very muscular body off my shorter one (Dude was at least 6ft! About two heads taller than my 5'7-5'8 self. note closer to 5'8.. ).

He grinned showing off those brilliant teeth that I'm sure would have made a tooth Comercial look bad! While I muttered a " Hi Maya" back more focused on ogling his skin that was showing from under his ruffled shirt.

Maya came from a long line of very proud vampires and he's the only fledgling to be in a "Mixed" race school, his Master wasn't happy about it but times were changing for the better after the last big war of the races. It was decided that we live in harmony and no more segregation was allowed by any race or that race would be relieved of all rights the treaty had placed for them.

Next to show was Rain. Dressed from head to toe in black goth style clothes he was a force of intimidation, he face was ALWAYS the resting bitch face even when he was happy. I saw him crack a smile once and almost shit myself! He was also Tall. Like really tall and sort of looked like the grim reaper with short black hair that was cropped around his ears and really bright green eyes and extremely pale skin he made Maya look human.

Rain ofstorms  (his mother was is a hoot XD) is a conjurer or warlock and one of the strongest out there. His daddy being the strongest and his uncle and mom sharing 2nd and while he makes all warlocks seem all imposing and shit, truth is he father has a ton of unicorn stuffies and his mother is so goofy it isn't funny sometimes and his uncle is literally that weird uncle that makes you want to hide from him.... and dude will go looking for you so you can listen to his really bad jokes that make you want to run away.

" Hiya Rain!!!" Maya yelled as he tried to jump on him but Rain was having none of it. "JUST LET ME LOVE YOU, MAN!" Maya groaned as Rains clad boot sat on his chest keeping him a good three feet away.

"No. Good morning Loranzo, did Maya treat you well?" Rains deep voice rumbled out as I smiled and nodded my yes.

" Hey! Where's my hello?!" Pouted Maya and my day started to look brighter as I watched them horse around. I never thought I would have friends. Not ones this cool who actually cared about me!  I was about to tell them how much they made my day when a soft voice rang out a 'Hiiiiii' and my shoulder slumped as Kane Misaki came running up. He was literally one step from being a girl. Soft brown curly hair, perfect brown skin that looked like melted chocolate bright red eyes and a curvy body that would make any guy swoon and all the girls green with envy. He was dressed up in tight jeans and a white cut off tee-shirt that showed his well sculpted stomach as he ran over.i could see the blush starting on his brown cheeks as his eyes flashed to Mayan's as he gave a timid hello to the group... AKA MAYA.

" Good morning Kane" Rain said ruffling his hair and I muttered the said as I watched Maya swoop him off his feet and spin him around as hi hugged him tight. He didn't think anyone noticed him kiss and lick Kane's neck when he thought his back was turned enough but I could see. I always saw.

Oh right  Perfect Kane was a werewolf  training in spells and potions. He was also secretly dating My *Cough* I mean he was secretly dating Mayan. Why they are keeping it on the DL I am not sure but I hate it. I hate how cute he looks and how everybody in school loves him, how he and Maya were childhood friends and will probably bond when Kane hits 18. It made me sick. And I couldn't even hate him. He was my first friend and thinks of me as his best best friend (his words).

I think it's cuz we are both short...
Maybe I'm being a dick *sigh* he befriended me and showed me to his friends and family and they basically are my home away from home. His sister is my sister and his mom and dad call me son. No I should be happy for him and not harbor this hatred.

"Hey what's wrong, Ran?" Said boy asked me as his small girly hands cupped my cheeks gently before he hugged me.

"Is... is it him?" He said and I knew he meant my stepbrother and I lied and nodded against his neck as he hugged me tighter.

" Come stay with me tonight! My family's making roasted fowl a-" he started to say before Maya grabbed his shoulder and whispered a quick "can we come too?"

He didn't know that Kane had told me about them already. Kane tells me everything and I use to tell him everything...

"Sure! Now shoo, it's boy time" Kane said as he shooed him away.

"Wha...Whaaaaaaaa I'm a boy too!!!!" Maya yelled and we all laughed as we began walking to school, taking the short cut through the woods.

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