ch.8 the enchanted boy

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        A/N I have been trying to compose the last chapters of Reliance buuuut this wouldn't leave my head so I updated this in hopes I can put the ending together better with it off my mind! Anyone read this story? A/N              


  I waited by the willow tree we sometimes met at. My long finger twisting and bending the others till I felt that strange uncomfortable feeling that was called 'Pain'. This pain distracted me from the swirling thoughts that spewed through my young mind. The words of my seers and the words of my peers weighing down on me.

What's wrong with him? I can't love a child that is empty...

He is a disappointment, no noble would wed a stone.

No stay away from him ma'ugy, he's infected!

Arnt you sad? Your friend is dead!
Cold hearted

The words continued to fill my head causing the world to shift around me and my breath to come faster but to anyone looking I'd look fine, my face showed nothing.

I needed him.  The boy who literally ran into my life 6 years ago and kept coming weather he was wanted or not... but he was wanted... even if i never told him he was.

I turned to pace the small clearing when a black clad arm snaked around my waist and I smelt his familiar scent of wild spices and chocolate. Such a strange mixture.
Strange and intoxicating.

"What are you doing here Rain?" I muttered as if I didn't come here just for him to hold me and make the voices stop.

"Because you needed me" was his simple awnser as he rubbed his forehead against my back and I felt myself relax. "Tell me what happened my light"

"I am a disappointment to my parentage, I have yet to prefect the emotions that the teacher they hired has been attempting to teach me and I have wasted their time. The other young ones do not wish for me to be around them and I am getting close to the age of arrangement. My father is upset that with my defects, visual and otherwise, that I will not procure a mate" I voiced my worry as my fingers began to twist at each other and when I felt the boy of darkness stiffen and leave my back I twisted harder as I stared at the forest floor.

He left me. He left me. He left me, just like th-

"Stop twisting your fingers, your going to break then." His calm reply broke through my repeated thoughts and the strange feeling he always causes me, flooded my body pulling a sigh from my throat. " I wasn't leaving you, just getting your gift ready. I've worked on it for the last year." 

"A present? F-for me? Why?" I asked as my eyes locked on his arms that were behind his back but drifted to his dark eyes and I  saw the worry in them. Did he fear I wouldn't like it?

He didn't reply as he pulled a beautiful necklace from behind his back, it was metal but light and it twisted like into the shape of a willow tree... our willow tree and in the middle was a stone, half was obsidian and half was a moonstone.  Two half of a whole.

I took it from his trembling hands and the emotion of contribute as happiness engulfed me.

But as I looked at him another emotions I had never felt took over. I felt hot and tingling as my eyes focused on his lips. I- I wanted....something?

"Do you want me to put it on you?" He asked but his voice was heavier and his eyes had blown wide, what was wrong...was he ill? I didn't ask and instead just nodded my consent.

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