ch.3 Light in my world of Dark

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My nine years old eyes looked at the laughing, teasing children in front of me. I didn't cry as they pointed at my clothes and laughed that they didn't match. They didn't understand that I didn't see the difference. It was all a bland dark gray.

Everything had always been a dark gray.

I ran away when my hurt little heart couldn't take their words any longer. I just wanted to play. I wanted them to laugh with me like they did each other.

My little legs carried me to my safe place, an old white willow tree with a hollow spot under its roots.

As I sat there trying to slow my brused little heart, the pain kept coming and it was getting to be too much.

Then I saw it. A burst of color, no of light. It lit up everything around it and I saw colors! The grass was a deep-ish green while the Moss was a much lighter green and the little bell shaped flowers that surrounded the small wooded area were white with green stems and leaves! But just as fast as the light came it went, and I jumped to my feet to follow it.

The light moved fast to a more secluded part of the woods where it finally stopped to lean against one of the old twisted trees and as I approach it I noticed it wasn't a 'Light' at all but more so a boy encased in light, and his light lit up everything around him.

His hair was white and flowed down his back and his skin was so pale it was almost translucent, his beautiful face was scrunched up as he muttered "Smile is happy. Frown is... Frown is unhappy? Sad is to cry? Or is it pout?" In a voice that was so light and delicate but so confused and slightly aggressive.

"Why are you light?" I asked watching as the boy stopped his pacing and opened light pink eyes at me.

" You mean why am I an albino?" The boy said with a rather forced looking smile.

" No. You are light." I said again and my social aeanaptness was starting to show again but unlike the other children he didn't laugh or call me creepy and run away. No he just made a forced sad face.

"Why are you dark?" He asked back and I started to get frustrated so I changed the subject. You don't awnser a question with a question!!

"Why are you making a sad face?"

" Is that not the appropriate emotion for this topic?" He said and started to fidget with his long slender fingers while his eyes drifted away from mine.

"No. When you are sad you should make a face like that."

"Sad is... is when you are... unhappy? Correct? Are you unhappy?" He asked with a tilt of his head making his hair cascade around his shoulders.

It was mesmerizing.

"No. I am glad to find you boy of light"

"Why do you not make the face others do when glad then" He said closing the distance between up to look at me closer.

"Mother says I have RBFS. That means Resting Bitch Face Syndrome. My emotions don't show on my face. Why don't you know emotions?"

" My parentage says I lost a part of myself at birth. I am as she says ' Cold and unfeeling', I suppose I am though. I have began scaring the other younglings and so I was sent to practice emotions" He said but he was anything but emotionless. He was showing signs of worry in the slight subtle movements of his long fingers.

"You show emotions fine." I said and he just looked at me.

"What am I feeling?"

"Worry, You don't want your mother to be disappointed in you" I state matter of factly.

"I see, boy of darkness... Don't worry you don't have RBFS. I can see your smile and it is beautiful." He whispered shyly and from that moment on my heart belonged to the light boy.


Nine years later

As the years went by I came to find out that I am part of a rare and heavily sought after race called Beings of Matter. We were extremely strong and even stronger with our counterparts, Called Soulshards.

We were captured and enslaved by various races during the war but rather then be captive slaves almost all of my race offed themselves on the same day, Now what is left is in hiding. We pretend to be conjurers or warlocks to explain our casting powers but we never fully release our it for fear the other races will notice.

My race is split into three parts. The beings of Light matter (very strong), The beings of grey matter (The middle strengthen class) and The Dark matter beings (Strongest, but easily corrupted). All of the light and dark beings had died out before my birth during the war and all that was left was gray until my birth.

My father and uncle fell in love with my mother and since she was their other soulshard they agreed to share her and thus I was born. Who my really father is, is unknown since they flipped a coin and a blood test (they agreed to never do one but I wanted to know and secretly ran one) was inconclusive since they are twins.

I came out a Dark being. A very strong one but that type of power caused issue like color blindness which made my childhood hell. Not to mention I was tall and awkward and didn't show emotions right!!

I had emotions! I just had difficulty sharing them!

I loved music! Most of the time I am quiet because I am listening to 70's or 80's music in my head.... I learnt not to try and sing them tho because I'm a bit monotonous.

I have little plays that happened in my minds eye.

Hehehehehe, Hahahahahha. They are so funny! I wish others could see them too!

Erhm. All in all I'm rather average, I think!

Now why did we stop walking? Did LaRanzo trip again?

I focused back in to the world only to be assulted when I heard a nasally high- pitched voice and immediately attached it to Lizzy, the school slut. My poor ears!

Ugggggghhhhh! WHAAAATTT does she want now? I mentally thought as I saw her head explode in my minds eye and laughed to myself.

"You wouldn't say no to a girl who just lost her uncle, would you?" She was saying....

Oh. Hitting on Mayan again. I didn't understand how she couldn't tell her was taken my our little Alpha. I mean he basically was claimed already by Kane. You could smell them on each other a mile away.

BIIIIAAAATTTCCHHH Needed to learn R.E.S.P.E.C.T don't forget the E.C.T


Speaking of smells, she smelled like cum...

So I said so.

Did I do something wrong? Everyone was looking good at me with their mouths open.... OHH NO *Gag me with a spoon* she thinks I'm hitting on her? No wonder they look shocked. Lemme explain better.

I did so while taking a better sniff so I could make sure I had the details proper! Mama didn't raise no lier!

The ungrateful snob nosed harlot looked made and her friends and little queasy. She went to say something to me but I was imaging bird droppings raining down on her head and she looked spooked and ran off.

What was her issue? Oh well let's get this day started. I wanna watch grease during lunch.

A/N 😂 so This was mostly Kane's inner dialog rather then his encounters but I wanted to shine a little light on his personality rather then his outwards persona so he is understood a bit better.A/N

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