Ch:7 Welcome party

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A/N Any one read this? O.O...not gonna stop writing it. Just wondering lol A/N

Ran was stabbed.

My RanRan was stabbed! The amount of anger that grew within me so fast caused my wolf to tear from my body, shredding my human form in a shower of blood, skin and clothes that rained down like confetti around me.

Itsuki had one goal at that moment: Kill the person who hurt a member of our pack. I tried to reason with him that he wasn't apart of the pack yet and to kill a human is grounds to be put down but it fell on fluffy black ears. In the end we agreed to mime  the human but as we pounced I was grabbed by my scruff by a calm faced Rain.

After struggling and finding it was useless I relented to being held like a scolded pup only to glance down to see Mayan on the ground with Rains booted foot on his neck as he struggled to control his bloodlust.

The human was still in his right hand being choked until he fainted and was thrown out of view.

" He has fallen through, we have to get LaRanzo. It isn't safe." Rain said all sage like...

Wadda fuck?

"He just fell in he steam, I'll get him" Maya said as he finally calmed down and was released. He slid his hands through my fur making Itsuki calm down with a puppy like whimper before our tail begin to wag like a whirlwind and I changed back into my human form.

"It is not so simple" Rain said turning to the river and just leaned over and vanished without a sound....without a splash!

"What just happened?" I asked as we both leaned over the edge of the bank only for two hands to grab put arms and pull us through.

It was like falling down then up without control of your limbs.

I held my breath and shut my eyes hard and didn't open them till I felt Mayan's lips brush mine and I hurriedly sucked in fresh warm air that tasted of smoke and smelled of blood.

We were on the edge of an empty battlefield, we'll other then the piles of body being burned and the pitched tents that littered the grounds here and there.

"Come" was all Rain said before he started walking to the biggest tent.

As we approached three figures came out in gold and silver armor that was splattered with blood but that wasn't what I noticed first. No I noticed that they were fucking ELVES! Elves that died out so long ago that they were myths, gods.

Holly fuck we are screwed.

As me and Mayan gaped at the three coming toward us the scent of the smaller one distracted me. Itsuki was pacing in my mind and fighting to break out and I was attempting to catch his scent again to try and understand what was so enticing about it.

Almost like Jasmine and rain?

The men slowed and I saw the physical shiver move through the more slender Elven man tho his features stayed stern, I had seen it.

His hair was a grayish ashen color that matches his eyes that flashed when the setting sun hit them (A shifter maybe? Can Elves be shifters?) He had the body of a dancer, leith and toned but i noticed he froze when his eyes landed on Mayan.

"Zayan?" He said in a deeply accented voice, almost French like.

Mayan paid him no mind tho as his scented the blood around us and I could see him struggling to control himself.

"His name is Mayan" I said, I wasn't trying to be mean but I wanted to know what he wanted with my man and why I sort of wanted to fuck him into the dirt which also made me a bit mad. I'm not a cheater!

His lovely gray eyes swung back to my and that shiver ran through him again making me growl. Just a little bit.... as a warning not because it turned me on.




I ignored Mayan and kane as two commanders and the annoying monkey approached us. Dune Kast wasn't a bad person for a woodland elvish Lord but he was super strict and when he found out I knew about the vail, he had attempted to kill me but it was all in good fun.

'He was fast'   I thought as I glanced over to the Gray haired lord but he was acting.... uh weird and so was Kane.... Yup don't care.

I looked back at the two still approaching us as I slowed to a stop I was eyed with dislike my Tillin don'tgiveafuck, A mountain elf with dicks for brains. Mountain elves are neither female nor male but rather like an frog, can change their gender to suit their needs. They preferred the body of a male but sounded like a prepubescent chick -_-.

We didn't like each other, they attempted to lay claim to my man and I beat the shit out of them. Clearly they hadn't learned their lesson as they attempted to stop my lover from coming any closer to me, only to be shrugged off.

I turned to my light and color filled my vision and the beautiful pale man before be touched my face.

"Hello Rain, my boy of darkness. Why are you here? It isn't safe yet. I told you I'd let you know" He said as his face fell into its most common feature: a small smiling face, but that was a lie. He was pissed.

Hyde Roanoke of the moon elves, the only albino of his kind and the only one unable to associate emotions with facial expressions but I could tell just what he was feeling.

To ooooo bad, I missed my baby!

" My friend fell through the vail, don't be mad Hyde-baby, I wouldn't have come unless it was an emergency."  I said as I watched a dusting and red flash against his snow white skin and his pink eyes widened just a hair but anyone else looking at him wouldn't have noticed a change. His face morphed between several practiced faces before landing and staying on nonchalant.

"When did he fall through? And how did he find it? You told them didn't you!" Tillin's shrill voice rang out and I was about to tear him a new hole when me and Hyde turned to catch a Kane/Itsuki in their partial Lycan form attempting to attack Dune, and Dune was fighting a fully charged blood raged Mayan.

We both ran towards the fight but just as Hyde caught Dune and flung him away, he was hit in the face by one of Mayan's Clawed hands that came out as he lost his human image as he fells
Farther into bloodlust. At this point the only one who can snap him out of it is Kane but he's lost to his senses as well!

Tillin called back ups of elves which adds to our problem INSTEAD of helping g since he just tears them apart and gouges on the blood in between fighting Kane.

It takes twenty minutes of all of us fighting Mayan before Kane goes full Lycan and pulls a struggling Mayan against his chest and holds him there through the scratching and biting until he goes limp, breathing hard as Itsuki/Kane ruby's their snout calmingly in his hair.

I hear Mayan choke out "Baby I'm back, I'm so sorry! I'm s-so sorry please... PLEASE!"

I am confused as I slow walk around them until I can see them from the side and understand his pleading. Mayan's entire arm was shoved through Kane's chest leaving a gaping wound that was pouring blood.

Kane didn't move or show any pain as he bleed out and only continue to try and calm a now fully shaking and crying Mayan before he slowly fell to his knees and collapsed in his arms.

"HELP ME...please help me, I- I think I crushed his heart" 


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