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a loud noise startled him, he was panting, scared. Dazai quickly got up and ran towards the loud noise. his legs hurting but he didn't care anymore.

a red haired looking down at the mess he just did, pouting. suddenly the smaller one looked up, and gasped.

"did i woke you up?" Dazai was confused. as Chuuya saw he was not going to talk he proceed. "you really didn't look good when we met, so i came to check up on you".

Dazai felt sick, really sick. why was Chuuya worrying over him? he didn't deserved it. he started to scratch his arm.

"stop that, please". Chuuya looked genuinely worried, which just made him feel worst. weak.

he gasped, falling on the floor. he couldn't breathe.

black, white, black, white. a loud beep. he couldn't see nor breath well, was he dying?

"Dazai, breathe". a soft voice said, far away. then the beep again.

"one, two- you're doing great". he came back to reality. Chuuya was caressing his hand. warm. dirty.

Dazai flinched away. Chuuya smiled sadly.

"do you want to eat something?" said the red haired with a sweet smile. Dazai felt uncomfortable but nodded. Chuuya started to hum while serving the food.


"are you feeling better now?"

Dazai smiled. "of course i am, chibi!"

Chuuya's eyes saddened, but quickly changed to an angry expression. "don't call me chibi, you waste of bandages". the brunet laughed.

they spent their dinner in silence, Chuuya constantly glancing at Dazai, making sure he was eating good. Dazai noticed this but said nothing.

when they finished eating, Chuuya offered to wash the dishes, but Dazai quickly cut him off saying he already cooked, so he could take a shower. the older one growled but went to the bathroom.


after he finished washing the dishes, Dazai went to his room and started to look for some clothes for Chuuya.

he didn't actually want Chuuya to stay, but he already knew that every time the latter came to pay him a visit he would insist to stay the night, so he didn't have an option.

he took some clothes Chuuya left the last time and went to the bathroom.

"i left some clothes outside, chibi". he could still hear the water, he suddenly felt like running away.

"you little- thank you though..." Dazai laughed.

"yeah, yeah, whatever". the brunette went to his room and changed his bandages before Chuuya came back.

he heard a knock on the door, he hurriedly put his long-sleeved shirt and went to open the door with a smile. fake.

"chuu-chuu~, are you sleeping with me tonight?"

Chuuya sighed. "no, Dazai, i'm not. and stop calling me that".

Dazai sighed too. "if you sleep on the couch your back is going to hurt and then you won't grow, not that you can-". he was cut by Chuuya punching his side.

"whatever, i'm sleeping on the couch". he took his coat and hat that were on Dazai's bed and left the room slamming the door behind him.

another sigh and Dazai plopped on his bed.


he let himself think about Chuuya. did he really seem that bad that his ex-partner, who says he hates him, had to check up on him?

he is so pathetic. Dazai felt sick. he huffed and turned around, facing the window. looking through this one, he could see the stars shining. he felt sad, he wanted to be one of those, be far far away. dead.

Dazai fell asleep, dry tears on his cheeks, hugging himself.

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