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a loud beep echoed on Dazai's head. his throat itched and his head hurts. his whole body felt numb and heavy.

he was greeted with white and only white as his eyes got used to the intense light.

he always hated hospitals, but this time he didn't even know why he was there, which made him feel more anxious.

he got up suddenly and felt a strong pressure on his chest that made him lose his breath and he started coughing. a small warm hand caressed his back and he flinched away, scared of the sudden presence.

"shhh, it's ok". Atsushi's soft voice made him feel relaxed. the latter handed him a glass with water and Dazai took it. his hands were trembling and it felt like they were tickling, so Atsushi took the glass and helped him to drink the water.

"than you". Dazai whispered, his voice hoarse because of his damaged throat. Atsushi smiled tenderly. "it's nothing".

Dazai looked at Atsushi with pity. he deserved better.

"Atsushi-kun". the boy looked at him, tilting his head a little. "you should go to your house. i'm fine". Atsushi frowned and sighed.

"are you sure, Dazai-san?" the brunette nodded, giving Atsushi a reassuring smile. "if you're ok with it then I guess I can go". Dazai patted his head and the younger one left, giving Dazai a last glance and this one smiling tenderly at him.

when Atsushi left, Dazai finally allowed himself to feel bad, sick, weak. his body was trembling, and he felt like he couldn't move it, it felt heavy.

he groaned, exasperated, clenching his hands in his hair, pulling it a little to feel something. but he couldn't. his nails immediately went to his arm, digging on it. red trickled down it.

suddenly, another hand, somewhat little, cold gloves, slender fingers, was placed over his, stopping him.

"Dazai, stop". Dazai closed his eyes, not wanting to look at the person in front of him. he made a little noise and covered himself with the blanket, looking across the room.

"oh, don't be such a baby". Dazai giggled softly, gently releasing the blanket. the other one took advantage of this and lift it.

"hi". said Dazai in a tenderly manner, Chuuya's eyes softened. "are you ok?" and the brunet suddenly felt like crying.

he caressed his hand, knowing that Dazai isn't really a touchy person so if he hugged him he would probably feel insecure. so he held his hand with such fond.

a tear slipped Dazai's face and he looked away, feeling pathetic. Chuuya's heart clenched a little, he took a lock of hair out of Dazai's face and caressed his cheek.

he hummed and stroked Dazai's hair until the latter fell asleep. he felt bad for the younger, he wanted to do something to help him but ever since they were young Dazai never opened to him. he felt useless.

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