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they were on the roof of a house. whose? they didn't know, and honestly, Dazai didn't care.

"what are we doing here?" the latter asked.

Odasaku looked at him and smiled. he took his hand and led him to the edge of the house. he sat down and looked up at Dazai, asking him to sit down next to him. Dazai shrugged and sat down.

"i brought you here because i wanted to show you something". Dazai tilted his head and Odasaku smiled, looking fondly at him. the latter caressed Dazai's chin, this one smiled lightly. "look at the sky".

Dazai did so. he gasped. he had this memory about the woman, about that night, the moon was just like that day. full, bright, dangerous. he suddenly felt like crying. Odasaku smiled at him, reassuringly, and stroked his hair.

"it's ok". he whispered, and Dazai sobbed, his body trembling. he tried to regulate his breathing, hiccupping. Sakunosuke hugged him and took a deep breath, Dazai tried to follow his pace, relaxing against him. the latter parted away and lay down, resting with his hands on his stomach looking at the sky.

"you know, you remind me of the moon". Dazai looked at him, listening carefully. "you are bright. or at least you try to show that to the people around you". he looked at Dazai. "but you also have your dark side, that one that you never show and no one dares to look at, no one actually can". he looked back at the moon. "but that side of you is beautiful too". a silent tear left Dazai's glossy eyes. Odasaku, still looking at the sky, took Dazai's hand and caressed it. "you are balance, Osamu. you are beautiful".

Dazai's hand trembled and he lay down next to Sakunosuke. "thank you", he whispered. Odasaku looked at him, his eyes shining like the stars above them, and he caressed his cheek.

Dazai wasn't thanking him for his words, though he do appreciates them, he was grateful that Odasaku was there with him, always. Sakunosuke knew that. there was no need for words between them, there never was. so Odasaku just smiled and both of them returned to look at the stars.

it's ok, Dazai thought. as long as Odasaku was by his side everything would be fine. a tender laugh escaped Osamu. Sakunosuke gave a little squeeze to his hand and smiled.

it's fine. it will be fine.

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