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When Dazai got up he was alone at the couch, his body feeling familiarly cold and a sudden feeling of sadness filled his chest. So at the end he left, huh? And he wanted to hit himself, of course he left...

He got up and went to his bedroom, but the sound of the water running in the bathroom startled him. Then, a little red-haired opened the door, drying his hair with a towel and humming a little happy song. "Oh!! You're awake." Dazai could only nod, still a bit confused as why the older was still here. "I took some of your clothes, is that ok?" Dazai finally let out the air he was holding and a little giggle left his mouth at the sight. Little Chuuya with baggy clothes (his clothes) with his hair wet and looking like a little kid. It was just too cute. "Of course." Chuuya nodded and passed next to him, going to the brunet's bedroom while the other was following from behind.

"Does you head hurts?" Asked Dazai while he sat at his bed, Nakahara left the towel at the rack and plopped in the bed next to the younger. "Not that much. Yours?" Osamu lied next to him too, covering himself with the blanket. "Not at all." Chuuya snorted and turned around, looking at him now. His soft beautiful blue eyes looked tenderly at him, his hand going up to his hair and brushing little brown locks out of his face. "How are you?" He whispered, his voice a soft intimate whisper and Dazai just closed his eyes, delighting himself with the sound of it. "What do you mean?" The red-haired giggled and cupped Dazai's cheek, the sunlight entering from the window making Osamu look divine.

"You know what I mean, Dazai." The brunet sighed and buried himself on Nakahara's chest, the latter immediately hugging him back. "Ok, I get it." He left a little kiss at the top of Dazai's head and started to hum but the brunet immediately froze. He knew that song perfectly, it was the one Chuuya used to sing when they were young.


The sun was high up in the sky burning Nakahara's skin and leaving it almost as the color of his hair. Dazai was resting on a lounge chair under a parasol, almost melting from the heat but refusing to take off his clothes and enter the sea with his companion. "Oi, Shitty Dazai, are you not coming?" Shouted Chuuya, a big smile on his face while having fun with the water in the sea, Osamu sighed loudly. "No, Chibi, I am not." The red-haired frowned and came out of the water, getting close to him. "Why not?" He sat next to him, drying his hair with a towel to not get the lounge chair wet.

Dazai flinched when some cold water drops fell on him. "Because I don't want to." He snorted and rolled his eyes, looking away from the older one. "So mean..." And Dazai couldn't help but cackle at the cute pout on the elder's face. "Why don't we go somewhere else, Chibi?" He said, whiny and Chuuya immediately looked offended at him. "Dazai, get the fuck up and into the water." Osamu almost felt a shiver ran down his spine at the look on the elder's face. He sighed. "Ok." 

It wasn't like he didn't want to enter to the ocean, he actually did, but he was feeling conflicted because of his body, maybe "skin" is a better term. Chuuya had never seen his scars, just some random ones he got at work and the elder cured, but the ones made by himself, never; and that's what's making him feel insecure. Would Chuuya say something about it? Would he judge him?

He didn't even get time to process when the little red-haired was already helping him take off his shirt. Dazai looked at him, his cheeks almost, if not more, red than Nakahara's hair, but the latter didn't care. He helped him with his coat and his shirt, the brunet taking off his pants. The sudden nervousness fading away when the red-haired just smiled widely at him and pointed towards the ocean, not really caring about his person. And he couldn't help but smile too.

They spent almost all day at the beach, it was weird when their days off  coincided so they had to take full advantage of this rare occasion. When the sun was setting they got out of the water, Chuuya, who had been more time there, was trembling at the almost null wind that there was, however, Dazai, wanted to stay more in the water, but he didn't want to be there alone so he got out with the red-haired.

"Did you have fun?" Asked the latter while drying his hair again, plopping on the sand on top of a towel. "I actually did." Said the brunet while extending another towel besides Chuuya, this one looked at him and smiled, oh so brightly. "I did too." And Osamu grinned.

They both laid there, the soft colors of the sunset making their skins glow and everything just looked prettier, and suddenly there was also a sweet voice humming some soft lulling song.

Dazai turned around and looked at the older, this one had his eyes stick to the sky as if it was all he could see. Dazai's gaze apparently didn't bother him either, as he just kept humming and looking at the clouds.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Suddenly asked Nakahara startling Osamu, the latter looked at the sky, soft pink, orange, purple and blue decorating the sky along with white fluffy clouds and yes, it does looked pretty. But then he looked at the red-haired, who to his surprise was already looking at him, and as their eyes connected the brunet couldn't help but thinking that it does look pretty.


"It's pretty." He said when the older stopped looking at him, now looking at the little shiny stars carelessly glued to the ceiling above them. "It is." Said Nakahara again, while stroking his hair and a big warm smile as if reassuring him.


I wasn't in my house so this was hard to write, hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading.

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