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Dazai opened his eyes to see a red head resting besides him, leaning on the bed. Dazai felt bad for him, he seemed so tired yet he was here, worrying over him. 

he stretched his hand to the elder's head, stroking the red and orange locks of it. they were soft, which wasn't really surprisingbecause Nakahara always kept his image neat. he giggled softly.

the older one moved a little, mumbling something under his breath and Dazai could only think it was too cute. Chuuya suddenly got up, yawning and rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.

"morning, sleeping beauty". said Dazai with a playful tone, his eyes softening at the image in front of him. 

"morning". apparently Chuuya is not that grumpy at mornings. Dazai tenderly chuckled and ruffled Nakahara's hair, this one glared at him but said nothing, he was too tired to discuss with him.

"did you just wake up?" Chuuya's voice was hoarse, startling Osamu. 

"yeah". he faked a pout. "chuu, get me out of here". he clenched his hand in Chuuya's sleeve, shaking him a little, whining.

he sighed and looked at him with pity. "i can't do that, Dazai. but i guess you won't stay much longer". 

the brunet snorted and lay down again. Chuuya, however, got up. "i can't stay much longer either, if Mori finds out he's going to send someone". 

Dazai couldn't help but tense up and roll his eyes at the mention of Mori, slightly growling. "yeah, ok".

Nakahara sighed again and left the room.


when Dazai was left alone in the room his mind began to wander. why was he here, again? the last thing he can remember was being in his house, alone, taking a bath. so why? 

blurry images of someone worried getting him out of the bath and screaming at him to wake up flashed through his head. this one hurt, trying to force the memories, white hair and watery eyes being the only clear thing. 

'it was probably Atsushi', he thought. 'i have to stop worrying him'. he nervously fiddled with his fingers, little red trickles coming out of the corner of his nail from scratching it too much.

he got up, took his clothes that were neatly folded in the table in front of him, changed and left the room. he hadn't been discharged yet, but he was tired of being in the hospital, so he jut left. 

he exited the hospital, the cool air making him tremble, his hair moving along with it. then a thunder, he felt a shiver ran through his spine and the tips of his fingers going numb. his head throbbed and he cringed. 

he had to take deep breaths to regulate his breathing, this one beginning to break. he began to walk, short and slow steps due to too much concentrating in his breathing. it would be so pathetic if he has a panic attack in front of so many people. it would show them how weak he is.

he clenched his fists digging his nails in his palms. 'walk, Dazai. just keep walking', his mind said to him and he smiled. 

'i'm trying'. he heard a snort. 'no, you're not'. 

he pulled his hair, the voice inside his head overwhelming him. suddenly he lost balance and tripped. 

"you alright?" his eyes widening at the voice above him, he gasped.

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