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A loud ringing startled him, his head was throbbing and his arm was burning in pain now. The room was totally dark, except for the little moonlight coming through the window. He looked at his side, his phone still ringing with a little "Atsushi-kun" showing up at the screen. A slight smile escaped him, he took his phone and answered it.

"Yo~ Atsushi-kun," his tone was bubbly, light and nonchalant, however, at the other end of the line was Atsushi, serious and a little disturbed. "Dazai-san." Osamu didn't want to have a serious conversation right now (or ever) because he was feeling overwhelmed with all the situation, but he didn't want to fail Atsushi either. "What happened?" He asked now with a more serious tone, coming out maybe a little harsh.

"Can we talk?" Dazai had started to fidget with his fingers, feeling maybe a little too nervous for something he didn't even know what was. "Sure, what is it?" Atsushi giggled nervously, "not here. Can we meet?" Dazai passed his hand through his hair, why would Atsushi want to meet with him? "Right now?" Nakajima sighed, "are you busy?" his voice sounding as if he were pouting. Dazai smiled. "I'm not." He could hear a little cheer at the other end of the line and he couldn't help but snort tenderly. "But let me take a shower first, ok?" The younger one giggled again and nodded as if Dazai could see him. "Ok, I'll send you the address." Osamu said a last "ok" and hung up.

Dazai was feeling a little more calm now, the conversation had started a little tense but everything seemed fine at the end and he didn't want to worry too much. He went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, he dried his hair, bandaged himself and put his clothes on. He looked at the address Atsushi sent, turned off his phone, kept it in the drawer and left his house.


Walking under the moonlight, with the stars shining above him, the cold breeze penetrating his bones, the slight smell of nature as he wandered through the park gave him a calm that he had not felt for a long time, one that he felt would be taken away from him if he enjoyed it very much. 

He sat at a bench near a fountain, closing his eyes, head looking up at the sky and enjoying the calming sound of the water, the distant voices of the people in the park, which were not many due to the time, the sound of cars passing by. Just enjoying the sound of the city. His city.

A light pat on his shoulder took him out of his trance. Just by the sweet light scent of flowers of his shampoo and an even lighter scent of cologne, just the smell of comfort, he knew it was Atsushi.

"Hey." Dazai opened his eyes, the green and magenta eyes of the younger in front of him looking fondly at him. White - soft - locks shining breathtakingly under the moonlight. "Hi, Dazai-san." His soft, somehow childish, voice and that beautiful, so beautiful, smile just made Dazai genuinely smile too. "So, what happened? It is weird that you want to see me this late." Nakajima frowned and sat next to him, hugging his legs above the bench.

"I always want to see you." He muttered, hiding his pout with his arm. Osamu ruffled Nakajima's hair and the boy looked at him and sighed. "I'm sorry if I'm pestering you, but I really wanted to talk to you." Dazai giggled. "You are not pestering me, Atsushi-kun. I like to see you too." Atsushi's eyes sparkled a little. "It was weird. That's all." The white-haired nodded and leaned his head back on the bench. "So, what is it?" The brunet leaned back on the bench too, closing his eyes again and fidgeting with his fingers over his lap.

"I'm worried about you." Dazai's hands stopped and he opened his eyes, looking startled at Atsushi who was looking fondly at him. "Atsushi, stop." He tried to get up and run away - just like always do - but Atsushi took his hand, stopping him. "No, Dazai-san. I'm genuinely worried about you." Dazai's hands started to tremble, Nakajima noticing this, caressed them. "Please let me help you." Osamu stopped breathing for a second, just for his breathing to become unsteady and his head to hurt. "Nakajima Atsushi, please stop." His voice was harsh, but the younger just tightened the grip on his hand. 

"I don't want to." Dazai snorted. "I'll hold your hand while we get through this together, please don't push me away." A tear slipped down Dazai's face, however, Nakajima never knew about this as the brunet wasn't looking at him. "Atsushi." The other one hummed in response, his voice soft. "Please let go of my hand." And this one did, he didn't want to force Dazai either. 

Osamu turned around and smiled reassuringly at him. "Thank you, Atsushi-kun, but I do no need your help." With that, he passed next to the boy and left the house, too overwhelmed to even think. He walked and walked, his pace slightly increasing with the time until he was running to his house.

I'll probably start doing longer chapters but it won't be a huge change, due to this the updates will be even slower (not that anyone cares, I know), but I'm also trying to improve my writing so I hope you guys like it!!

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