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Dazai opened the door to his house, his body felt heavy because of the running and he just wanted to sleep now, to pretend that nothing happened and tomorrow act as it, but the sudden smell of food startled him. Then, he felt stupid for ignoring his texts and don't tell Chuuya he was going out. 

A soft "not again" unconsciously left his mouth. Even though he enjoys Nakahara's company, he doesn't feel like being around him right now. He doesn't want to be weak with him. He leaned on the door, wondering if it was better if he just left his house again and slept somewhere else, until red and orange hair showed in front of him with a smug smirk.

"Oh yes, again." Dazai sighed, knowing that running away was not an option anymore and hit his head with the door. "Now that's just rude." Said Chuuya with a pout, immediately erasing it and putting on a frown. He walked towards the brunet and helped him take off his coat, hanging it on the wooden coat rack besides him. Dazai ruffled his hair as a hello and walked to the kitchen, the alluring smell of the food making him feel hungry. Chuuya snorted and followed him.

"What did you make?" Asked Dazai as he opened the cooking pot. The, oh so perfect, smell of chicken stew making him melt in his place and Chuuya giggled. "Let me help you." He moved Dazai and started to serve two plates of the stew, taking him to the table. The younger just stood there, looking at the red-haired moving skilfully through the kitchen, and he couldn't help but smile fondly at him. At the end it wasn't so bad to have the other's company. Chuuya looked at him with a raised eyebrow, already sitting at the table, and asking him to come over.

"Are you not eating at the end?" The brunet quickly shook his head and sat next to the older, smiling at him. "Thank you for the food, Nakahara-san." Dazai said and started to eat. "N-Nakahara-san?" Asked Chuuya flustered, his cheeks blushed. "Well, you don't like it when I call you Chuu and I don't like Chuuya anymore." Said Dazai with a pout. "I just tried something different." Chuuya nodded, still a bit confused and started to eat too. "Nakahara-san is weird. Go back to Chuuya." Dazai giggled but shook his head. "Then I'll go back to Chuu." Chuuya snorted, feeling maybe a little too happy. "Whatever." And he just couldn't hide his smile anymore. Dazai smiled widely at him. "Thank you for the food, Chuu." The other one just smiled wider in response.

They started to eat, talking about their days at their jobs, feeling nostalgic and missing the days they worked with each other. Chuuya ranted about how Mori overworked him and Dazai couldn't help but cackle. Maybe he didn't miss it that much... Dazai obviously skipped details about what happened in the last days but still managed to not bore the little one. They finished eating and washed their dishes, serving two cups of wine and sitting at the couch. Dazai unconsciously cuddled next to Nakahara and the latter passed an arm above his shoulders, pulling him closer. He stroked the brunet's hair, sipping at his wine. "Do you want to tell me something?" He whispered at Osamu's ear and the latter drank almost every drop of his wine because of his nervousness. "I do not." He whispered back. The red-haired giggled and left a kiss at the side of his head. "Ok." They stayed there, not talking anymore, just enjoying each other's company while drinking together. The older was warm and Dazai enjoyed that very much, he cuddled closer, almost resting on the other's chest.

They both had started to feel a little tipsy, cuddling against each other and being affectionate. "Chuu~." The older looked at him, a sweet smile on his face. "Yes?" Dazai got up, moving away from him and cupped the elder's cheeks. "I like you." The red-haired's cheeks quickly matched the tone of his hair and he tried to look away, but Dazai tightened the grip on his face, making him look at him. "Do you like me?" Blue eyes trembled and Osamu sighed. "It's ok." He laid on Chuuya's lap and the older immediately started to stroke his hair, Dazai giggling little when his hair tickled him.

"It's not that." He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "I do. But you don't." Dazai looked at him, confused brown meeting with sad blue. "What do you mean?" His voice was soft and low now, almost a whisper, as if too scared for asking. "You're just drunk." Dazai snorted, and laughed sarcastically. "You're drunk too, Chuuya. Are you lying as well?" Nakahara groaned, frustrated, passing his fingers through his own hair. "No, Dazai, I'm not." Osamu smiled and cuddled on Chuuya's lap. "Then why would I be?" Nakahara seemed to think of it a bit, but then he just laughed and hit Dazai's arm, the brunet hitting his arm in response. "I don't know. Now shut up." The older left a kiss at his forehead and Dazai nodded, turning around and facing the red-haired. The latter smiled at him and nodded too.


I wasn't planning on doing this at all, but as I was talking to my friend it just turned out this way. It's not bad I guess... I do love soukoku. Please just remember this is not focused on romance.

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