Chapter 13: Tail

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It's dark, the place he is in feels so gloomy. Where is he? The atmosphere feels so heavy, it's so cold, and the place is suffocating him. It's hard to breathe, why can't he breathe? Oxygen is lacking and his nonexistent lungs are not working. He wanted to scream but no sound came out, only left him breathless. He panicked, desperately looking around him, trying to find someone or something. Calling out random names even he couldn't hear, just someone to pull him out of this h3llhole.

But nobody came.

Red flinched awake, panting for air. His body sat up, trying to escape that foreign place. Red moves his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead but he felt a bone on his palm. Turning to look at it, he saw a sharply pointed bone, covered in red magic. Seems like he unconsciously summoned one. He made it disappear as he tries to recover from what he experienced. Red looked at the palm of his hand, thinking about the dream. He's sure it's just a weird random dream so he shrugged it off. A soft knock on the door pulled him away from his thoughts "red?" The door slowly opened, revealing a skeleton, slightly taller than him, only wearing a turtle neck "heya buddy.." The soft tone almost calms him "i heard screaming.. are you ok?" Red's cat ears dropped, still not used to someone being kind towards him "i-im fine.." Classic sighed "welp, foods downstairs" Red just nods his head, then hearing the door close. He sat criss-cross but accidentally sat on his tail. Instant regret. He felt a huge wave of pain making his whole body tense. He let out a small whimper as small tears build in his eye sockets. He slowly stands up to let his tail be free. Now the pain and discomfort on his tail is torture.

A couple of seconds pass by and he grew hungry so he walks downstairs with the same jacket he wears, putting the hood on 'maybe i should shower...' Red sighed in annoyance 'but i fcking hate showers'

He sees Classic holding a phone, reading something in it, sitting on the couch while the tv is on. Classic felt his presence and turned his attention towards him "oh, there ya are uh.. about yesterday.. sorry for dropping ya on the ground like that.." Red remembered and let out a quiet growl "and it still fcking hurts like h3ll.." Guilt crawled on Classic's back "..tails are sensitive as fck ok?" The feeling only got worst when he remembered that fact "s-sorry bud. i can heal it for ya if you want" Red only shook his head "no thanks, im hungry right now" Red left him before he can reply and went to the dining table. Classic turned the tv off and followed him "so, can i ask, how and why were ya in snowdin yesterday?" Red saw pancakes stacked on top of each other, maple syrup dripping on the plate, he sat down and took a bite "hey did ya made these?" Classic nods his head "nice. also, let me eat, questions can wait" Classic understood and apologized "heh, sorry" Something vibrated in his pockets, he grabbed his phone and answered whoever is calling him "heya, oh.. yeah about that... well sure..... heh, its kinda uh, hard to explain... yeah yeah, ok... mhm... 'k bye" The short call ended. Having nothing else to do, Red decided to ask "who was that?" Classic shoved his phone back in his pockets "just grillbs, asking me why i didn't come to work today" Red took another bite "huh, then why aren't ya at work today?"
"cuz i have to babysit you"
"excuse me?!"
"heheh, well i cat just leave ya here ya know?"
"pfft-that was horrible..."
"heh, i know"
After a short time, Red finished eating his breakfast while Classic was on his phone. Red stood up and went to the couch after washing the used plate, cuz he doesn't have anything better to do, and turned the tv on, Classic shortly followed "so can i ask now?" Red grumbled but nod his head, still facing front "how did ya end up in snowdin?" he let out a small sigh "i was just having a nightmare, then i heard a knock on the door and somehow used a shortcut" his mood uninterested "a nightmare huh, are you..-"
"im fine"
"oh.. w-well then, you must've thought about your snowdin" Classic suggested since they can't use a shortcut without being in that place before, and since both Snowdin are identical, Red managed to 'shortcut' his way there "maybe it was just my instinct..." Red mumbled but loud enough for the other to hear "instinct? why would you have an instinct about going outside?" Red shrugged his shoulders 'weird..but understandable..' Classic thought, then something clicked in his mind "so if you can teleport that far, does that mean you can go back?" Red only froze, realization hitting him.

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