Chapter 5: Him

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A skeleton stands before him, wearing a white jacket and a red damaged scarf around his neck. The skeleton has a big bloody wound across his chest, his right eye and body is covered with white glitches, he looks whiter and more paler than Sans and to be honest, he looks like hes about to die. Of course he looks like that, his name is Geno, short name for Genocide. His universe was Undertale, but not anymore i guess, Geno was the first Sans who experienced a genocide but, did the genocide stopped after that? No, it didnt, not after 156 genocides at least.

More important question is...

What happened to Chara, Frisk and Aria? Well, that is for another story..

Anyways, Geno 'survived' the humans genocide by injecting 'DETERMINATION' to his self when he was fighting the human. He didnt defeat them though, in the end, when he was about to turn into dust, he snapped his fingers and dissapeared. Vanishing from all existence. Now lives in a save screen. The determination he injected his self with result to his right eyesocket to melt since 'determination' melts monsters for its power is too strong and the body is too weak. No matter how big or tough a monster can be, no one can handle determination other than the humans.

Geno, smiled at him a little, happy to see his close friend once again "hello sans" Sans opened his eyesockets to look at him "ya know... i was just about to sleep after a long day heheh" Geno wears an apologetic look on his face "whoops, sorry.." Geno placed his hand on the back of his head with a few chuckles "nah it's fine buddy, anyways, why'd ya call me for?" Geno took a deep breath, he was about to talk but hesitated, ending up letting out a nervous chuckle "n..nothing, just wanted to see you!" Sans knows that something is bothering him by the way he talked, Geno was hesitant, usually, he would say what he want to say without hesitation. Guess he just gotta have to go with it for now, he'll ask it later. Sans did missed his first Alternate friend, they havent seen and talked to him for a long time now. Geno sat down next to Sans, his legs are crisscrossed like his "oh ok, being in the save screen alone for a long time can be boring after all" Geno nods his head "yeah, well im not entirely alone ya know" Sans chuckled remembering something "oh have 'Blasty' " Geno's face heat up from embarrassment which made Sans laugh "h-hey! you told me you wouldn't make fun of it! besides, i was running out of names!" Geno pouts at him "heheheh, sorry 'bud" Sans was a little relieved when the atmosphere changed, when he arrived here, it felt so gloomy than usual and it was making Sans worry for his friend "anyways, i found someone today" Geno faced Sans once his heating face calmed down, he tilted his head to the side in a curious manner "hmm? another human i suppose?" Sans shook his head "nope, his name is red and he said hes from underfell but.." Sans trailed off "hes another version of you huh.." Sans nod his head "but what?" Geno asks"..hes kinda.. a neko" Geno became quiet, trying to comprehend what Sans just said, when it clicked, he laughed at him like he just told him the stupidest joke so far "pfft-hahahah! geez sans, what did alphys do to you? hahah! maybe i shouldnt brought ya here so you can take a cat-nap" Sans laughed with him.
"heheh, well, i hope its just that but, im telling the truth here geno, he actually has cat ears and a tail which was really...."
"strange?" Geno finished his sentence for him "yeah.." Geno's laugh and smile slowly faded, his face becoming a little serious "well, underfell is known by their twisted way of living sans, its literally 'kill or be killed there' so, im not even surprised if he became an amalgamate or somethin'..." Geno paused for a bit before he continues "..i think its better to stay away from him sans, we dont know what his and his family' is up to" Sans awkwardly smiled as he let out a nervous chuckle "well..." Geno's serious face fell and was replaced by a worried glare "sans, what did you do?" Geno's voice was dead serious, Classic Sans nervously chuckled once more "i kinda...took him in and let him sleep on my bed.." Geno's eyesocket went wide at those words, his head began to fill up every possible scenario and outcome, every possible way the so called 'Red' could hurt his precious brother- i mean, Sans's Papyrus "and left papyrus with him??!!" Sans knew he hit a nerve, Geno cares for Papyrus more than his own life, both of them do, but Geno is a bit more overprotective than Sans. Geno's glitches twitched more violently "well, ya kinda summoned me here so.." Geno facepalmed "sht! im such an idiot!! go back there right now! im gonna ask the question next time.." Sans made a confused face "what ques-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was back on the couch. Sans shrugged, deciding to ask the question next time. He looked outside the window, it was still dark, the stars are shining bright above them and the moon was still present. Sans let out a sigh before walking upstairs to check Papyrus. He quietly opened the door, Papyrus was still there, sleeping peacefully on his bed car. He closed the door and went to go check the edgy skeleton. He slowly opened the door to his room with a quiet 'click' but..

Red wasnt there.

Sans went in his room, he look around to spot if something change but it doesnt seemed like it. He walked near the bed and what he saw made him blush. Red was curled up on the ground, a warm blanket hugging him tight while his tail is placed gently on the cold hard ground.

Why does he looked so....


Sans blush worsen as he cringe at the thought, its weird calling a guy cute when your also a guy ya know. It sounded pretty gay and wrong especially if hes a complete stranger.
Sans was trying to decide if he should leave him there or if he should carry him on the bed "...." maybe its best to leave him be, he might wake him up if he move him and hate him even more. Sans turn to leave his room, turning the knob to the left and pushing it. He heard Red grumble so he turn around to check if hes fine, Red's ear quickly flicks but he didnt woke up. Sans let out a soft sigh before stepping outside his room, closing the door and walking downstairs to sleep on the couch again.

Morning came unexpectedly quick. It was like he closed his eyesockets for a sec then its already morning! Did he even sleep last night? Sans was awoken by his brother Papyrus, shaking him and telling him to stand up because its time, he said hes going to make spaghetti for breakfast. Sans didnt want to, but he doesn't have a choice right now, besides, its saturday! It means he can sleep the whole day after having breakfast! Sans sat up and rubbed his closed eyesocket before standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

Why does it feel like hes forgetting something?

Eh, whatever, its probably not important. Sans reached the kitchen seeing Papyrus holding a cooking pot with water in it, he placed the pot on the stove and turn the heat on "GOOD MORNING SANS! DID YOU SLEPT WELL LAST NIGHT?" Sans gave him his usual lazy smile "yuup" Papyrus placed a finger on his chin, trying to remember something "HOW ABOUT OUR GUEST? I HAVE FORGOTTEN HIS NAME BUT-MAYBE..WAS IT UHH.. RED?" Sans eyesockets slowly went wide in realization "oohh, right..yeah, his name is red, im gonna go check on him now paps" Papyrus nods his head then focused on making 'le perfect spaghetti' for their guest.

Sans went upstairs to go to his room. He made three small knocks before asking "buddy? can i come in?" he waited for a little while but only silence answered him. Maybe hes still asleep? Sans opened the door to his room and closed it behind him, Red was still on the ground, sleeping peacefully. He looked so relaxed that he didnt want to wake him up but he know he needs to, Sans took a deep breath, preparing for, probably, another yelling from the cat-i mean, skeleton. Sans gently tapped his shoulders "time to wake up buddy" Sans eyelights landed on his ears, his black, fluffy ears. He wants to give it a little pat but, he didnt want to do that without his permission so he forcibly tore his attention away from it. Sans pushed Red to wake him up, adding a little force this time. Red jumped in surprise, he was suddenly woken up from his peaceful sleep, oh how he hates that so damn much. Red eyesockets slowly opened, his eyelight darting everywhere and was trying to figure out where he was. Hes in his room but its wall are blue rather than red, the floor are semi-clean but socks still scattered almost everywhere of this room. Red faced his body where the Classic is. Right, he fell asleep in the original universe, Classic gave him a smile "good mornin buddy" Red sat up, yawning and still keeping distance between them "breakfast will be downstairs 'k?" Red nod his head and mumbled a quiet "thanks" which Classic happily replied "its nothin" before walking downstairs. Well, at least he didnt shout at him this time.

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*important note*

Frisk committed 156 genocide.

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