Chapter 14: Going back

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A heavy sigh escaped his lips. Was he gonna go back? Does he want to go back? He doesn't, but, he didn't want to leave his brother there, even if he was harsh to him, he can't just leave him! He's still his big brother after all. He wants to stay here where it's safe, but he wants his brother Edge to be here too! But he can't do that... He just accidentally landed here, he didn't know how he got here, and going back there is not safe. If he goes back there, he might not go back here 'damn it, think Red think!'

A knock on the door made him flinch. He shook his head to get rid of these thoughts, cleared his throat, and opened the door "uh, yeah?" With a concerned voice, Classic asks "are you ok bud? you've been here for a long while now..." Red's ears lower, his gaze on the floor "well, i uh..." he sighed and sat on the chair near Classic's bed "i can use my magic now..." Classic grabbed a chair and sat down next to him, but not too close of course "that's good news, right..? you can go back home" Red let out a heavy sigh "ta others, yes, but to me, it's not.." Classic titled his head to the side, he was going to ask what he meant by that when he remembered what Geno told him 'well, underfell is known by their twisted way of living sans, it's literally 'kill or be killed there' so, im not even surprised if he became an amalgamate or somethin' Which also made him remember what Geno wanted to ask him since he hasn't called him since. "you mean, your scared of going back there?" Red was a little surprised, he thought he has to explain himself, he even made a small explanation in his head so what he would say to him makes sense. He slowly nods his head "y-yeah, and.." He fiddles with his fingers, bullets of sweats forming on his forehead from anxiety "u-uh...can i..." He thinks this is a bad idea, asking help from someone like a hopeless stray he is "c-can i.." stuttering like a weakling "can i s-stay here? in this universe, i mean... i-i swear i won't cause trouble.." His voice almost whispering as anxiety takes over his body. He started thinking how embarrassing-no humiliating this is. Edge would be so disappointed if he sees this "of course ya can 'bud.. you can even stay here! im sure paps wouldn't mind" Classic casually said. Red looked up, his eye sockets widen in disbelief "w-wait, i can? no! im gonna be a burden to ya classic!" The taller shook his head "don't worry, ya won't and uh... i would feel guilty if i let ya out there by yourself" Red could only stare, trying to process what he said. Guilty? A word he hasn't heard for years. Why would anyone feel guilty towards someone you only know for like, three days??! No one has the time to feel 'guilty' towards anyone in his universe, it's kill or be killed there for fcks sakes! Show any positive feelings and your dead. That's how cruel his universe is, and being here? With a skeleton, you barely know? Showing mercy to you? It's a LOT to take in, well, for Red anyways "uh, are you.. sure classic?" he said, his eye lights are glued on the floor "of course 'bud" Classic said with a friendly smile "th..thanks.." Classic smiled again then stands up "no problem! well, paps will be home around this time, wanna help me cook?" He nods his head "sure uh, i'll try at least.."

"Yep! See ya Papyrus!"
"GOODBYE UNDYNE!" Closing the door behind him, he began to step forward, the thought of going home, seeing his brother, and talking to the guest fills him with excitement! Papyrus happily walked back home, going through the quiet town. Most monsters are asleep, so he's walking alone. That doesn't bother Papyrus though, nor does this frightened him. He continued walking, softly humming a cheerful tune. The street lights illuminating the dark alley. Shadows on every corner, he suddenly hears something behind him snap. He quickly turned around "HELLO? IS SOMEONE THERE?" When he got no response, he shrugged his shoulders and continued walking. But with each step he takes, the feeling of being watched grows stronger and stronger, that he started to worry but he ignores the feeling and continued walking, walking, just continue walking Papyrus. He froze when he heard something, clacking, his body tense as he slowly turned around but he found no one "UH, IS S-SOMEONE THERE? YOU DON'T HAVE TO HIDE IF YOU'RE S-SCARED, I WON'T HURT YOU..." He heard rustling so he decided to walk near it, no matter how his body is shaking right now. The sound led him near the tall trees "H-HELLO?" Rustle, rustle.

Then a bunny jumped out of the bush making Papyrus flinch and take a step back. The bunny looked back at Papyrus, seemingly confused. Papyrus let out a huge sigh of relief "I SHOULD PROBABLY STOP WATCHING THOSE SCARY MOVIES FROM DOCTOR ALPHYS.." He mumbled, looking at the white bunny holding a small carrot in his mouth. The bunny decided to mind its own business and hopped past him. Papyrus shook his head with a small smile, now he is a little embarrassed, luckily no one saw that. He began walking home, quietly chuckling to himself.

While something in the shadows continues to observe him.

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