Chapter 6: Them

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Red stands awkwardly in front, of a very tall and familiar-looking skeleton who was in the kitchen. So this is Classic's Papyrus.. He looks way more friendly and cheerful than his brother but, Red can't help but be scared at him. It reminds him a lot of his Papyrus. Red's anxiety slowly started growing, beads of sweat started forming on his forehead 'no! k-keep it together red!' He thought to himself, it's some sort of a way of trying to calm his self down, odd is it not? Well, he grew up in a very dangerous place and thats how he survive so its not that odd, well, for him at least. Papyrus happily smiled at the guest as he waves at him from the kitchen "WELL HELLO THERE GUEST!! IT IS GOOD TO FINALLY SEE YOU!" Red awkwardly waved back, avoiding eye contact as much as possible "y-you too i guess.." Papyrus smiled, feeling excited to let someone new taste his spaghetti, he is looking forward for the guest's reaction. "YOU TWO MAY SIT DOWN ON THE COUCH WHILE WE WAIT FOR THE SPAGHETTI TO COOK" Sans nod his head at his bro, before walking to couch with Red beside him.

Both of them sat down, Red was at the edge of the couch, trying to get as far away as possible from Classic. Classic noticed this but didnt question it "so, welcome to the surface red..." Red didnt say anything but nod his head. Awkward silence filling the room, only the sound of Papyrus cooking and the tv can be heard. Ah geez, when will this silence ever end? Its suffocating the short skeletons! "hmm, not much of a talker huh?" Red hesitated "....just a lot of things in my mind right now..." Classic nods his head "thats understandable.." Another long pause, Classic decided to end it once again. "hey red" Classic called "yeah..?" Classic pretends to think about something "why are skeletons bad at lying?" Red made a confused face, where exactly is this conversation going? "ehh, i dont know?" Red replied, trying to keep this conversation short. For some reason he doesnt want to talk to the skeleton, hes still a bit skeptical about how kind he is, is it true or is it fake? Red doesn't have any idea "because you can see right through them" "...." Red slowly understand what he just did. Then, he began to let out a few chuckles "heheheh" Classic smiled at this "ya get it huh? guess my puns really are, rib-ticklers" Reds laughed even more, he decided to say something in return "heh heh, yeah, i find them really... humerus" Classic's smile grew wider as both skeletons started laughing "heh, thats good cuz i have a skele-ton of puns to tell ya!" Both are laughing harder than before.

Red feels like Classic is not a dangerous skeleton and he can actually trust him, but that doesnt mean he will let his guard down. He might even stab him in the back with the friendly mask he wears, who knows?

Papyrus walks in the room, curious about the laughter and because the spaghetti is ready to eat "BROTHER?" Red jumped in surprise "yes paps?" Classic asked, turning to face Papyrus "SPAGHETTI IS DONE! YOU AND THE GUEST CAN EAT NOW" Classic nod his head with a smile "thanks paps!" Papyrus smiled back "YOUR WELCOME!" Classic noticed Red moved a little, trying to get far as possible from Papyrus without Papyrus noticing. Now a huge question struck inside Classic's head. Papyrus is the friendliest, most sweet and caring monster out there, why would Red possibly look so... Scared? "come on red.." Classic tugged his jacket lightly, giving him a reassuring smile "..foods ready" Red nod his head, trying to calm his self down once more. The three skeletons sat down with the food on the table in front of them. Classic sitting in the middle of the two "I HAVE NOTICED THAT OUR GUEST DOESN'T TALK MUCH SANS, IS HE FEELING SHY?" Classic shrugs his shoulders "probably" A gentle smile appeared on Papyrus's face "DO NOT FEAR GUEST, I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, PROMISE THAT I WILL NEVER HURT YOU! I ONLY WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU!" Red slowly looks at Papyrus, his body tensing "heh, t-thats a relief.." Papyrus smile grew wider "IT IS?" Red nod his head "y-yeah.." Papyrus smile grew wider "THATS GOOD! I CAN BECOME YOUR FRIEND IF YOU WOULD LIKE! WHAT IS YOUR NAME GUEST?" Red hesitated, avoiding eye contact "uhh.. names red.." "NICE TO MEET YOU RED!" "you too bos-i mean uuh, papyrus" Red sweat drop, his mentally facepalmed himself for being stupid, he almost called this Papyrus 'boss', how embarrassing.

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