The Last Chapters + Lemon

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I have been.. catching a glimpse of this book for quite some time now. 
I was waiting for that magical lightning to strike me from above and fuel me with inspiration to start writing this book again, but 2 years later, it never came.

So I have been feeling guilty for leaving this book hanging. However, I will not continue it, instead, I will tell you how everything should have ended, through this last effort of giving this book a proper ending.

This will contain a summary of each remaining chapters.

I hope you all enjoy.

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Chapter 25: His universe

Due to that letter, one he was so curious to read about it, the chaos has already started. He was too late. Pressing an emergency red button near the door, he rushed downstairs.

Heavy knocks echoes through the living room that Papyrus was in. Surprised, he cautiously opened the door to peak at who it was, expecting nothing to greet them.


Red ran, desperately to save his brother.

Papyrus was taken by 4 guards, holding him by his neck. He struggled to get out of his grasp.

"You. Failed experiments."

A female voice made the boys shiver in fear "No one should know the failures that Gaster has created" The guards and the lizard walked into the room "let him go!!" Yelled Red "Where is the scientist?" Alphys spat, ignoring his plea "Tell me. Or I will break his neck" She declared, her patience wearing thin.

In panic Red spurted out "h-he's dead!!" Alphys was taken aback "Dead?"

"w-we tried to save him but he–"

"Guards." She glared at the brothers "Exterminate them." Red's eyes widen in terror while the scientist walked upstairs, hoping to find the other. The result of this, Red's eyes seems to glow redder. Was it in panic, in anger? He was overwhelmed. His hands started to glow as well. And unexpectedly, a large beam of fire created a hole in one of the guard's chest.

Standing closely beside Red, a skeleton skull, concentrating magic in its mouth. Red was also confused, but decided to wonder about it later. He ordered it to fire to take down one of the guards who was holding Papyrus in hostage. His brother fell down, hitting the floor but had no time to recover when Red took his hand and bolted out of the door.

The ground was starting to shake. The walls starting to crumble. Their chase was filled with stumbles and close deaths. The letter had told Red to press the button, so all of his research would be destroyed, and so will the place.

The guards chased after them. Firing magic to stop the experiments from running away.

Minutes later, they were walking down a metal path, with lava beside it. He believes this is the outside of The Core. Careful steps they took. Their bare feet shaking as well as the ground. The top part of The Core already crumbled, it falls down chunks of metals and rocks and parts of the old building.

"Give up now! Anomaly!!"
Alphys roared, only 2 guards beside her "Failures like you shouldn't exists!!" She screams. Red gripped Papyrus' hands tighter "Move an inch and I will shoot!" The bridge from The Core leading to outside was a long stretch. It was a straight path with no where to hide from "Accept your fate." She grumbled.

Papyrus glanced at his brother in worry, seeking for answers in his eyes. Their hands trembled as they shared the same look. Frustrated mostly at himself, Red desperately look around to find a way out. If only there was a way where we could go to a certain place without having to–

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