Chapter 16: First day

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Where were we? Ah yes, the first day of the job for the Neko. Here he is, standing nervously in front of a fire element, wearing a tuxedo, but somehow the tuxedo is not.. burning. How strange. Red was wearing one of Classic's clothes, which is the picture on top but instead of the coat, he was wearing Classic's black jacket with a hood, without fluffs. He smells like new and dressed nicely which was a little unusual for him. They arrived around 3 pm, the bar has not open yet. He hears fire crackling quietly, asking if he is what he was talking about "yep, this is red, he's uh, new here" Grillby asked why the two of them looks similar. Classic could only chuckle nervously "well.. this might sound crazy but.. he uh... he's an alternate version of me" Grillbys only stared at him for a couple of seconds, fire crackling quietly, trying to understand what he said "...." He said nothing in reply but nods his head, turning his face to him.

He said hello to Red, and introduced himself in a friendly way "..names red, nice ta meet ya too.." They talked about his job time, what they do here, few rules and how to act as he listened carefully. He said Classic will be teaching him and guide him if he fails. He said it's ok to mess up since it's his first day on the job and there is no need to feel nervous. Red was a little taken back by how kind he is, he didn't expect that this version of Grillby would be so kind too.

After explaining those stuff, he told the two that he has something to attend to and that he will be back after a while, both nod their heads. Grillby also told them to open the bar around 7 or when a customer arrives "ok, see ya grillbs" Grillby waved his hand, leaving the two alone. Classic opened a door with a 'fire exit' written on top "c'mon, imma teach ya how to set up the bar" And with that, the practice began.


"..well sht, i didn't know this job would be that difficult.." Red complained, slightly out of air while laying half his body on a table. Classic chuckled, remembering his first day on the job "heheh, you did pretty good tho, apart from turning the burgers into coal and yelling at a customer, i'd say you did ok" Red rolled his eyelight "oh stop lying, i suck at this" Classic grabbed two condiments "hey, don't say that, ya just need more practice, it's your first day after all" Red mumbled, "yeah you have a point.." Classic sat beside him and nudged a bottle of mustard on his elbow. Red noticed this and grabbed it, thanking him after. The kitchen door opened, a fire element stepped out. He told Red that he did a good job and to not beat himself too much "..thanks grillbs and uh, sorry for wasting food" Grillby shook his head, telling him its fine and he only burnt a few. He told them to go home and take a rest since their shift is over, both skeletons nod their heads "welp, see ya tomorrow grillbs..!" Grillby waved his hand, saying goodbye.

Despite their tired bodies, they still enjoyed the nice walk back home. The streets were peaceful, except for some cars driving by. The stars are faintly shining and the pale crescent moon shone like a silver claw in the dark infinite sky. The wind blew cold, seems like winter is about to come. Red slightly shivers, he hugged himself, the sudden change of atmosphere made him feel a little sick "uh, hey.. you ok?" Classic asked, noticing his behavior "i feel like sht" He chuckled at his comment earning a glance from the cat "heh sorry, i didn't mean to laugh, do you wanna use a shortcut?" Red tilted his head to the side "aren't ya tired too?" Classic shook his head "not really, guess im just used to it" Red looked up, for some reason he suddenly got interested in the stars, its a nice night but he was really tired. He looked back at him again "well.. sure if that won't bother ya.." Classic gave him a small smile "not at all" He holds his hand then teleported in front of his house "whoa, your hands are really cold.." Red looked down at their hands "yours too.." Classic grabbed his keys from his pockets, letting Red's hand go, and opened the door, they entered the warm house, leaving the cold atmosphere outside.

Red immediately collapsed on the couch "imma sleep forever now" Classic chuckled, taking his coat off, putting on his blue jacket, and sat down next to him "move over, i wanna sit too" Red did as told, his back facing the couch. They enjoyed the quiet moment for a while. Classic decided to grab his hand and shove them in the pockets of his jacket. Red was a little caught off guard and asked "wh..what are ya doing..?" Classic responded with "my jacket's really warm right now, i thought i would share" Red felt his hand on top of his, gently pressing onto the jacket "oh, it is.." Classic smiled, then looked away, his face warming up a little 'why am i doing this to myself? literally!' The weird feeling, it's back again. What is it? Classic was feeling shy but confident. Embarrassed but proud and happy. How strange. Could he be that-'nope, no, no, no, not gonna happen, never, shut up' o-ok, it's just a thought anyway. Classic looked back at Red, only to see him sleeping, quiet snores filled the room. A gentle smile appeared on Classic's face, he slowly leans in and placed his head on his shoulders. He hesitantly wrapped his arm around him, feeling more warmer than earlier. A small blush stayed on his face "goodnight red.."

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*awkwardly chuckles

h-heyy!! im baaccckk! (^^")
sorry for not updating for.. i dunno, 3 years? i lost track of everything and i was very busy but hey! im an honors student now! yay! =D thank you all so much for being patient!! 💙

lets hope i can update more from now on =D

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