Chapter 10: Wishes

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Quiet footsteps echoed through the halls. Whispers and their presence woke him up from his short nap. He sat up, rubbing his closed eye socket while letting out a small yawn. Looking around, it seems like he is between Snowdin and Waterfall. He stand up but his back hurt like h3ll causing him to sit back down. Letting out a grunt in pain, he wonders why his back hurt. He tried reaching his back with his hand until he felt a long bump, it made him flinch.
'sht! my fcking tail hurts! it must be because i hid it too long..' Red realized he hid his tail the whole day yesterday, causing it to strain. He decided he should probably let it go free today since no one is around to see, and so he did. His black tail wiggled freely behind him as he let out a soft sigh in relief. He continue laying on the ground until he got bored, so he got on his feet and started walking through the place.

The familiar place made him relax a little, in his universe, Waterfalls is the most quiet and peaceful place you can go, its where he go when he needed a timeout from all of that.. torture.
But, Waterfalls can look like a safe place, but its not. Monsters die here and no one would ever know. Mostly they die because someone push them off the cliff or someone stabbed them when they're not looking. Only the echo flowers can hear their last wish, their last cry, their last breath, whispering it like some sort of a secret. Red continued walking, his hand softly brushing the blue flowers as he walks by, and taking quick glances on the fake stars shinning above him. He continued walking, seeing small mushrooms light up the path, it made him calm. It feels like he's been walking for hours, his legs grew tired of racing each other and his wounds started to ache again. He sits down on a random spot and took a short break from walking. Playing with a loose thread on his jacket, he started to feel a little lonely. He didn't want to admit it out loud but, he misses Classic. His silly puns, his weird love for ketchup, his presence.

He can even say that he's the first monster he could consider as a friend.

Getting out of that h3llhole was probably the greatest thing that has ever happened to him. He is finally free from that place, and never again will he return. Why would he?

There's no reason to return there

And sure, he may left his little brother in that place but its none of his fault.


Letting out a small sigh, he try taking his thoughts away from that place and focus on something random instead. The place is as quiet as it was in Snowdin. Almost no sound was heard, except the never ending sound of the rushing water. Red pulled down the heavy hoodie covering his cat ears, letting it enjoy the peaceful sound and the coolness of the breeze. His ears flickers at the sound, its been a long while since it was freed, being a Neko in a dangerous place was very difficult. Ah geez, here he is again thinking about that place. The emptiness of the Waterfalls made him even more lonely and bord so he stand up, putting both his hands inside the pockets of his jacket, and continued walking. While on the way, he came across a path full of water, it seems like the tiny droplets of water caused this. Red used some of his magic to make a path made of bones, to not get wet. He only has one clothing because he doesn't belong in this universe. Duh. But while walking down the self made bridge, the sounds of the whispering flower sparked his interest in some way, and decided to listen to it.

'So? Don't you have any wishes to make?'

An unfamiliar voice said, he decided to listen to another one since hes doesn't have anything better to do.

'hmm.. just one's kinda of stupid'

he listens to another one..

'Dont say that! Come on, I promise i won't laugh'

and another...

'Hmm, if I say my wish, you promise you won't laugh at me?'

and another..

'Of course i won't laugh!'

'Someday, I'd like to climb this mountain we're buried under. Standing under the sky, looking at the world all around, that's my wish'

He hears laughter..

' said you wouldn't laugh at it!'

'Sorry.. it's just funny... that's my wish too..'

A sad smile appears on Red's face. Guess their wish came true huh? Lucky them. But in his universe, wishes doesn't come as easy as whispering to a flower. Wishes there are highly impossible to come true and yet, they still hope. Red recalls some of the most ridiculous wishes he has ever heard back in his universe..

'I wish my cousin would come back..'

'I wish to become popular!'

'I wish i have friends..'

'I wish, monster's would stop killing each other..'

'I wish my dad accept my dream.'

'I wish my muscles go bigger and everyone would fear me ; )'

'I wish no one would find out my failures..'

'I wish he would come back..'

'I wish my crush would like me back'

'I wish monster's will finally be free'

'I wish the Angel.. the one who has seen the surface.. finally help us..'

These wishes are impossible, well, some are, and some are just straight up dumb. Some are so impossible that Red thought these are funny. They are giving themselves false Hope. Hope that are impossible and will never come true so, why Hope? Seems like Hoping is the only thing monsters can do there, so maybe that's their only reason.
Funny how monsters are the one's who can control magic, but they are the one's who is stuck underground. Some times I wonder how the war truly started, is it tradition to have a war between two races? Is it difficult to keep peace between them? Who even started the war? Well, these my friend, are questions that doesn't have answers so don't bother looking. Anyways we got a little far of the track now, let go back.

Once Red crossed the self made path, the bones disappeared with no trace. Continue walking, he passed a long bridge with no handles, so when you fall down, there is a 99% chance that you will meet death. But Red continued otherwise, besides, its not like he haven't passed this bridge before, he even remembers being dragged there, good times, good times.

After sometime walking, he now stand infront of a big cave. Red sighed in annoyance remembering some old memories when he was here. Undyne, the heroine that will forever seek justice for her fallen kind. But knowing that he will finally exit the Waterfalls pushes him to keep going.
He keeps walking, seeing a huge screen welcoming him to Hotland, but its not moving due to the fact that no one is here. He continues until his sensitive cat ears twitches from a faint sound. Quiet footsteps echoed through the halls. Whispers and their presence made him panic.

'i thought no one is suppose ta be here? just what the fck and they doin here?!'

Red immediately puts back his hoodie to cover his ears and hid his tail again. Red summoned a sharp bone, holding it behind him, just in case they are a threat. He looked up when the footsteps stopped, two monsters looking at him with surprised faces.

"There you are punk!!"

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