Chapter 21: His realization

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ok, im not an expert at cats so let's just say Red has an amazing sense of hearing.

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A drop of water.
Mumbled words.
A cup falling over.
A closing door.
More shouting.
Rude remarks.
"BROTHER? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Sans flinched in surprise, he looked at his brother and rubbed his ears. Papyrus realized and apologized with a worried face "..RIGHT, S-SORRY BROTHER.." Sans shook his head "it's ok, i was just listening to what they were talking about" Papyrus tilted his head to the right, indicating confusion "THEY? DO WE HAVE VISITORS? OH! WAS THAT THE YELLOW MONSTER? IS IT HERE AGAIN?" Papyrus 'whispered', Sans nods his head  "but it seems like they are arguing about something.." Papyrus stayed silent, although he wanted to ask what they were talking about, he doesn't want to bother him. A door loudly closes in the distance followed by an angry mumble from the scientist

"Dammit. That crazy lizard is sabotaging my plans" Dr. Gaster angrily mumbled as he stomps his feet towards his desk, he placed his hand on his aching forehead and loudly sighed. "If she continues this madness, I might have to delete these experiments! But I cannot do that, I have come so far!!" Gaster tiredly looked at the papers neatly stacked in front of him. "..Or I could just eliminate her." Gaster closed his eyes as he leans on the chair. Exhausted, He wonders how it came to this. How everything changed, in one night.

When morning came, Gaster checked the experiments, to see if anything changed, especially the smaller one. "Wake up or there won't be breakfast for you!" He shouted, the two skeletons quickly sat up and rub their eyes, showing they are awake. Gaster rudely shoves the food on their chest and quickly left, slamming the door shut "geez, someone's mad.." Papyrus worriedly looked at the door "DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE WHY?" Sans looked at his brother and shrugged "WHAT? DID YOU NOT GET ANY INFORMATION WHILE EAVESDROPPING ON THE TWO?" Sans suddenly remembers and chuckled "oh, yeah i remember now.." But his smile and his eye light immediately disappeared "IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG BROTHER..?" Sans panic rose and went beside his brother, his plate falling on the floor causing it to break "yes! there is! gaster is planning on killing us if he can't find a solution to..! something.." Papyrus gasped out loud "W-WHAT? NO, HE... HE CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Sans shook his head, his ears bending down "im not lying to you paps.." "BUT BROTHER! HE CAN'T JUST D-DO THAT AFTER HIS PROGRESS WITH US!" Sans shook his brother's shoulders "but he will! we need to leave this place before that happens!!" The door suddenly swings open, the skeleton's attention went to see who was it. It was Gaster, and he looks really mad. He used his hands to lift Sans using his shirt and slams him on the ground, Papyrus was left shocked. Since it all happened so fast. Gaster harshly grabbed Sans's face and turned it around so his brother would see "NO! L-LET GO OF HIM PLEASE!" Gaster glared at Sans and said, "This is your LAST WARNING!" The skeletons flinched in surprise "s-so you were.. l-listening all along?" Sans struggled to say "Yes and I told you multiple times! You will NEVER escape this place so don't EVER think about it, and yet here we are again!" Gaster's grip tightened causing the skeleton head to crack. A small but noticeable crack runs down from Sans's head as Papyrus begged the scientist to let go of his beloved brother but it seems like the scientist is lost in his head. Papyrus grabbed a Rubrics cube and threw it on Gaster's head, with just enough force to turn his attention towards him "I-I TOLD YOU TO LET HIM GO!!"

Gaster's angry piercing eyes landed on Papyrus, but his gaze slowly softened once he saw his state. His eyes filled with tears, hiccups can be heard and his trying his best to look intimidating and act tough.

It made Gaster remained who he really was before all of this happened.

He looks just like him...

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