Chapter 19

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Cat's POV

I am standing in front of my mirror staring at my reflection. Even with makeup on I can still see the bruises on my face and neck. The bruises on my body was able to be covered by my clothes.  I knew everything was going to come out today. Even the time when I was 15. What makes this worse is that my mother will be there and hear the entire story for the first time. I straightened the dress I chose to wear it was simple long sleeve black dress.

 I straightened the dress I chose to wear it was simple long sleeve black dress

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My nerves were getting the best of me. I didn't want to tell this story in front of everyone. I didn't want to relive the nightmare. I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind making me jump. I turned around quickly to see Jimin. 

"You scared me." I said taking a calming breath.

"I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to." Jimin said with guilt.

"I know so what brings you in here?" I asked.

"They are here to get us." He replied kissing my forehead.

I took a deep breath and followed him outside. Everybody was waiting for us in the van. It was a silent drive to the court house. The closer we got the more scared and nervous I got. I would see them again. I wished I didn't have to but I need to finally get justice. Standing here outside the court house I saw our lawyer. When he noticed us he made his way over to us. He shook our hands. I looked around at all the people talking together when I saw my mother with a man walking towards us. When she was in front of us she slapped me. I held my cheek and looked at her.

"How dare you try to ruin someone's life." My mother screamed at me.

"Ma'am if you could refrain yourself from hitting my client." Lawyer Kim said.

"You are a lying bitch Catalina." She screamed at me again.

"Come on Cat let's head inside." Lena said walking pass my mother bumping their shoulders on purpose.

I followed behind ignoring the screaming behind me. I was shaking. Jimin held onto my hand tighter. Inside the courtroom the lawyer brought me to his table. Behind us sat all of Bangtan, Lena, Alex and Sana. I saw my mom and the guy who I assume is the lawyer come in. She sat behind him. Not long after the bailiff brought out Flaco and Paco. They sat with the man that was with my mother. So I was right he was their lawyer. 

"Please rise for the Honorable Judge Choi." The bailiff said.

  We all stood up. The Judge came in and sat down.

"You may be seated." Judge choi said.

"Your honor we are here today regarding the case of Catalina Alvarez Vs Jorge Nava and Juan Guerra. The claims are kidnapping and rape." The bailiff said handing the Judge the file.

"Mr. Lee would you please start the proceedings." Judge Choi said looking at Flaco's lawyer.

I watched as he stood up. He went to the middle of the court looking at the jury.

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