Chapter 1

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Cat's loft

Cat's loft

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Cat's POV

I woke up to my alarm screaming. I quickly turned it off before getting up. I went downstairs to my bathroom to get ready.

 I went downstairs to my bathroom to get ready

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I think i look okay. I grabbed my stuff before heading out. I got on my bike.

I backed out and drove to school

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I backed out and drove to school. I started last week. It was a pain in the ass to get all my credentials transferred. I finally managed. So far all seems to be going well. I pulled in the school parking lot and parked my bike. I saw a few people staring at me but i just rolled my eyes and went inside. I went to class only to find no one there. I checked the time. I was like 30 minutes early so I decided to practice my choreo for my job at the dance studio. Which happens to be a reggaeton. Its fun but hard. Before I could start some people came in. I looked to see some students from the dance studio where I work. I only knew one off their names and her name was Yuki.

" Hey Cat." Yuki waved at me.

"What are you doing here Yuki?" I asked confused as to why she was here.

"I go to school here and we came to dance or choreo for the studio." Yuki said while stretching.

"Can I join you guys I need to practice as well?" I asked hoping she would say yes. 

She nodded her head and called the girls over telling them that we was all gonna dance together. We got into formation but some how I got pushed to the front.

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