Chapter 27

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Yoongi's POV

When she told me she was pregnant I wasn't as shocked as i thought I would be. I had my suspicions. I knew the baby was Jimin's because he has been the only man  she has been with since the rape happened. She was given plan the morning after pill. I feel sorry for her. Mainly because Jimin is an idiot. He keeps hurting her. So now I will step in and keep him away from her. I watched as she went to take a step but got dizzy and almost feel. I wrapped her arms around my neck placing my harm around her back as the other went to her knees and I picked her up. 

"Oppa what are you doing?" Cat asked.

"I am taking you home." I replied.

"I can walk." Cat said shyly.

"It's okay I will carry you. Just relax and close your eyes." I said softly. 

I watched as she closed her eyes and hugged my neck tighter. She leaned her head against my chest. I smiled at her slightly. I went to the bathroom door and knocked. It was opened by Lena. 

"Is she okay?" Lena asked.

"Yes but can you grab our bags while I carry her." I replied softly.

She nodded her head and walked in grabbing our bags. I stood there waiting for her. I could see all of Bangtan standing there. Including Jimin and Solar. He looked worried. Solar just looked annoyed. Lena came out holding our stuff. Taehyung helped her with our bags. I walked away with Lena and Taehyung following me. When someone called my name I tightened my grip and I heard Cat gasp. I quickly loosened my hold murmuring an apology.

"Yoongi." Jimin called to me.

I turned to look at him. His eyes were trained on Cat. I cleared my throat catching his attention. He looked at me.

"Where are you taking her?" Jimin asked.

"That is not your business." I said dryly.

"She is my friend I just want to make sure she is okay." Jimin said getting mad.

"She is is okay and I am taking her home now if you will excuse me." i said rolling my eyes.

I turned around walking away from him. Once outside I put Cat in my car. Lena getting in the backseat. Taehyung sat with Lena. I got in and drove Cat home. We took her inside and I put her to bed. As I went to leave she grabbed my wrist.

"What's wrong Cat?" i asked her.

"Can you call Taehyung and lena in here. I want to tell them what's going on." She said softly.

I nodded my head and went to get Taehyung and Lena. When We came back Cat was sitting up looking out the window. She turned to us when we came in.

"What's wrong babe?" Lena asked Cat.

"I want to tell you guys something but you can't tell anyone." Cat said.

"You can trust us Cat." Taehyung said smiling at her.

"I'm pregnant." Cat said looking at them.

Cat's POV

I watched as their faces showed shock then happiness. Lena and Taehyung tackled me in a hug. I could hear Yoongi laughing. He came over to pull the two goofballs off me.

"Careful guys don't squish the baby." Yoongi said.

Both taehyung and Lena jumped off me sitting on the bed. 

"I am going to be an aunt." Lena said happily.

"Forget you I am gonna be an uncle." taehyung said with a smile.

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