Chapter 36

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Cat's POV

I woke up in Jimin's arms. I quickly got off the bed. I stared at Jimin sleeping with Jaemin. I felt a weird flutter in my heart. When i found myself imagining a life with him I left the room. I found Yoongi in the kitchen cooking. When he noticed I was there he smiled at me.

"Hey how you feeling?" Yoongi asked.

"Sore. It feels like I have been run over by a truck." I replied.

"Sit down and relax I am almost done with dinner." Yoongi said.

He helped me sit down as I winced. My bottom half was hurting bad. Yoongi quickly went and grabbed a bag. Inside the bag was medicine the doctor prescribed for pain. He handed it to me with a glass of water. i took the pill and leaned back on the couch. 

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

"All day but it is understandable." Yoongi said.

I smiled at him. He fixed us a plate of food and brought them to the couch. We sat there eating. When we were finished he gathered the plates and cleaned the kitchen. He put food away for Jimin. I was still worried how Jimin felt about Jaemin. I don't want him to spend time with him and then later decide that he doesn't want to be a dad. 

"What are you thinking about?" Yoongi asked.

"Jimin." I replied.

"What about him?" Yoongi asked.

"I am worried. I don't want him to create a bond with Jaemin now only to say later that he don't want to be his dad. I am worried that this is only temporary." I said.

"Maybe you need to talk to Jimin about all this." Yoongi said.

"I know I need to talk to him. But i am afraid of what he will say." I confessed.

"How about when he wakes up I will keep Jaemin out here with me and you talk to Jimin." Yoongi suggested.

As if on cue Jaemin started crying. I got up and went to the room. As I walked in I saw Jimin rocking Jaemin trying to calm him down. I stood at the door watching them. Jimin noticed me and stood up. He handed me Jaemin. I sat down in the chair and started rocking him.

"Yoongi made food if you are hungry." I said looking at Jimin.

"Thank you." Jimin replied.

I watched as he left the room. I checked Jaemin's diaper only to find that he was wet. I took him to the nursery to clean him up. I changed his diaper which he did not like. When I put his clothes back on I sat in the rocker to feed him. I pulled my boob out and Jaemin quickly latched on. I was so focused on the baby that I didn't see Jimin come in. 

"Yoongi said when you are done with Jaemin that he will keep him so that we can talk." Jimin said watching me feed Jaemin.

"As soon as he is done I will meet you in my room." I said looking up at him.

"Okay." Jimin said walking out of the room.

When Jaemin finished eating I burped him. So far he seems like an easy going baby. Except he don't like his diaper changed. I took him into the living room where Yoongi was sitting on the couch. I handed him the baby and went to find Jimin. I found him sitting on my bed looking out the window.

"Jimin." I called out to him.

He turned to me. He had a distant look in his eyes. I have never seen him like this. I knew this was going to be a hard conversation.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Jimin asked.

"I guess what we need to talk about is Jaemin." I said.

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