Chapter 3

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Jimin's POV

 When Alex asked why we were here it pissed me off. He don't even know us to not like us. I looked at the others and it seems that they didn't like his attitude either. I noticed that Cat glared at him for what reason I have no idea but she is fucking hot when she is mad. I wouldn't mind getting her in my bed but she don't seem like the type that fucks with playboys.

"AYY Alex enough they came to hang out." Cat said to Alex.

"Who invited them?" Alex asked her with attitude.

"I did." Cat said not backing down from him.

"Whatever they can stay." Alex said walking away.

"Where is everybody at?" Cat asked him before he could leave.

"The owner canceled class today he had an emergency but said we could stay and use the studio." Alex said.

"YAY I wanna dance with Cat." Lena said clapping her hands.

I watched the girls stretching before they could dance. I felt Mina pulling on my arm trying to get my attention. I looked at her. She was pouting. I guess she was jealous. I smiled and kissed her forehead. She smiled acting cute. Music started. I looked over and saw Cat and Lena in the middle.

( imagine your the one in red)

When they finished the dance everybody clapped except for the girls. I glanced at Mina and she was again glaring at Cat. I have no idea why she is doing this but maybe she is just jealous. 

"We want to dance too." Momo said pouting at Taehyung.

"Well then dance unless you need us to teach you how." Lena said drinking her water.

"We don't need your help we are better." Mina said smirking at Cat.

"Then by all means little girl show us what you got." Cat said gesturing towards the middle of the floor.

The girls walked to the middle of the floor trying to decide what dance to do. Mean while Cat and Lena was talking to Hobi and Alex. I think Hobi might like that Alex guy. I see Yoongi staring at Lena. But me I couldn't quit looking at Cat. There is something drawing me to her. I see Mina hooking her phone up to the speaker. I guess they finally chose a song.

We clapped as me, Taehyung, And Jungkook was cheering the loudest. Momo smirked at Lena and Cat. She was ignored by them. Which I knew pissed her off.

"That was cute" Lena said with a genuine smile.

"We know it's because we are better than you." Mina said rolling her eyes.

I see cat getting ready to jump on them but was stopped by Lena. Cat rolled her eyes and walked away. I admit Mina can be a bitch. I don't even think my friends like her. I think they put up with her because she is my girlfriend. 

" You don't have to be rude Mina." Jin said shaking his head in disappointment.

"It's fine oppa they want to change a friendly hang out into a competition we can do that." Cat said smiling at Jin.

""We can do that but if we win you have to stay away from the guys." Momo said.

"You can't speak for all the guys but sure we can stay away from your boyfriends." Lena said.

"That seems fair." Hobi replied.

"You girls can go first." Cat said smiling.

"Fine by me." Mina said rolling her eyes.

Mina and the girls walked back over to us when they were done dancing. They did good. Everybody clapped for them even Cat and Lena. Now it was their turn.

(again Cat is in red)

When they finished everybody clapped except for Mina and the girls. I was kind of disappointed that they were acting petty. I mean we are just trying to have fun but it seems like Mina and them got beef with Cat and Lena. I don't know why but it is getting annoying. 

"So who won." Mina asked.

"I really don't care who won but don't worry we will stay away from your boyfriends. Today was supposed to be fun but you guys seem to want to start problems." Lena said.

"I ain't got no time for drama. So if that is what you are looking for then look else where. We are not in high school anymore so grow up." Cat said before walking away.

"Just know your place and stay away from my boyfriend." Mina yelled across the room.

"Chica what the hell I look like. I ain't trying to take your boyfriend. But while we are the topic just piss on him to mark your territory." Cat yelled back.

"Did you just call me a dog." Mina Screamed.

"I don't know did I?" Cat asked laughing.

"That was funny."Yoongi said laughing.

I admit it was funny but I couldn't laugh because then she would have been really mad. I just wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her head calming her down.

Lena's POV

 I saw Cat's face as Jimin was hugging and kissing Mina. I have a very stronger feeling that she likes Jimin. I wish she didn't because from what I have seen he will only hurt her. I will be damned if I let that happen. She has been through enough shit without a sorry ass guy breaking her heart.

"Te gusta Jimin mas que un amigo?"

"Como lo sabes?"

"I can see it in your eyes." I said looking at her.

"I do but it won't come to anything." Cat said looking at Jimin.

"Why not?" I asked.

"He has a girlfriend and they have been together for a lot longer than the other girls so I guess he must really like something about her." Cat said turning away from the scene of Jimin and Mina Kissing.

I needed to distract her. She looked so damn sad. 

"Hey Cat did you ever practice your twerking." I asked causing the guys to look at me.

"I have practiced why do you ask." Cat asked confused.

"Can you show me?" I asked her pouting.

"I kind of want to see that too." Yoongi said.

"Umm okay I guess." Cat said before setting up her music.

When she finished everybody was cheering and clapping even the boys with girlfriends. Which really pissed of the girls. Mina kept trying to pull Jimin's attention. When She couldn't she really threw a tantrum like a full on bitch. She was lucky I was holding on to Cat. That was until she said what she did. Then I knew she fucked up.

"I knew she was a fucking whore. Shaking her damn ass for all the boys."

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