chapter twenty three | first steps

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I really like Kiba and Ino together so sorry if you don't like the couple. This is probably one of my favorite chapters honestly. Hope you enjoy!

"Keep up Kiba, we're gonna miss the dancers!" Ino shouted to the boy behind her. She had broke out into a full on run, trying desperately to catch the performance put on by the street dancers in the village square.

"Hold on Ino, you're going too fast." Kiba said through heavy wheezes. Ino laughed at the sight, slowing down to match the boys pace.

"How do you move like that? You training for a marathon or something?" Kiba asked jokingly while catching his breath.

"Sorry, I got a little excited. I heard these dancers were really good. I'm glad Hinata told me where'd they be." Ino admitted.

Kiba and Ino were finally going on their long awaited first date. Hinata had promised to set everything up, and so far they'd spent the day visiting various village hotspots. This performance was the last stop before they went to dinner.

Ino grabbed Kiba's hand and once they had reached the large circle of people surrounding the dancers, Ino pushed her way through the crowd.

The two had made it to the front, and stood frozen in awe at the dancers before them. They had on white mask, shaped like different mythical creatures. The women wore bright red long kimonos and wore their hair in a neat up do. The men wore similar attire, however they had shorter yukatas and danced with large white fans. Big drums and stringed instruments were played in the background. A few civilians nearby were sprinkling the scene with flower petals, to give the performance a more serene feel.

Ino noticed out of the corner of her eye that Sai sat criss cross on the sidelines, close to the drums. She figured he had come to draw the sight.

Kiba squeezed Ino's hand without thinking. He was completely focused on the dancing, studying their movements with vigor. Ino was flustered. She had forgotten they were holding hands, but now, she was a little too aware of it. She was scared that if she moved too much, Kiba might become self conscious and back away out of embarrassment. She stilled herself and watched along with him.

Kiba was mesmerized by the performers. It wasn't common for him to go out and do something like this. He usually spent most of his time trying out new combos with Akamaru or hanging out with Shino.

He was thoroughly enjoying the day, and this was the highlight of it.

After the performance ended, Sai waved at the two and ran up to greet the pair. Upon taking a closer look at them, Sai raised a brow. Ino and Kiba's fingers were still tightly intertwined, and to anyone that personally knew the couple it was quite an odd sight.

Kiba followed his line of sight and instantly let go of Ino's hand, much to her dismay. Her face sunk and she sighed inwardly, her perfectly good moment had been ruined.

"What's up Sai?" Kiba asked, scratching his neck awkwardly. He didn't know if Ino wanted to lay low on this date, therefore he tried to act as natural as possible.

"Kiba, Ino, what are you two doing here?" Sai said, nodding at them as he said each their names.

"We-" They both said in unison. They looked at each other, silently bickering with their eyes. Kiba shrunk back, having lost the silent battle.

"We're on a date." Ino said flatly. Kiba's eyes widened. He didn't think Ino would actually tell Sai the truth. Kiba had thought Sai of all people was the last person Ino had wanted to tell, being as she was thought to have a crush on the boy.

Ino looked at Kiba's stunned expression and nudged him a little. She wanted to hit him, to wipe the dumbfounded look off his face, but she didn't. She wondered why Kiba looked so shocked, she had only told the truth. What would Kiba have said if he was given the opportunity?

Sai's usually blank expression slightly twitched, something seeming to have ticked him off. He watched the two, and the more he did, his lips started to curve downward, into an obvious frown.

Kiba noticed, and he started to regret ever coming to the stupid village square. "Let's go now Ino, our reservation is soon." He said, pulling the blonde girl along and giving his farewells to the pale ninja.

Ino wanted to know why Kiba was in such a hurry, but in the end she just let him direct her towards the restaurant they were supposed to be eating at. Kiba had his arm linked with hers and Ino didn't dare protest, in fear he'd let go again.

They quietly walked away from the dispersing crowd of people.


"Neji, stop joking around." Tenten said, tears threatening to fall from her tanned cheeks. Tenten knew it didn't sound right, Neji and joking were not usually words associated with each other.

"You know I've never been the type to play about something like this." Neji said gravely. He continued

"Tenten, will you marry me?" He said clear and precise. Neji got on one knee, extending a small black velvet box to his girlfriend. "I'm serious." He added.

Tenten burst into tears, she nodded her head frantically, for the first time ever, at a loss for words.

Neji opened the box and took out a beautiful diamond ring. The band was thick, and the gem was was big, probably able to shimmer even in the dark.

He placed the ring on Tenten's ring finger and hugged her as she sobbed into his chest. She jumped on to him, wrapping her legs around his waist, and he held her up with no effort.

"Let's be together forever, okay?" She said, wiping her face on Neji's shirt. She laid her head down on top of his opposite shoulder and smiled will holding the ring up to her face.

Neji seemed to be used to Tenten's weight and tears and lightly rubbed her back.

"Of course." He said, smiling to himself.

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