chapter twenty four | assigned seats

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"Sasuke get up, we have to start getting ready soon." Hinata said, pulling the covers off of the said man and shoving him a little to wake him up.

"Hinata please." Sasuke said, catching Hinata's wrist and halting her movements. "Do we have to go?" He asked, turning over to look at her with pleading eyes.

"Yes, we have to. Neji told me I had to be there, and to bring you along too." Hinata said, using Sasuke's hold to drag him to the edge of the bed.

"Come on, we don't have much time left!" Hinata urged.

"Okay okay. I just don't get why we have to go to this party anyways. Isn't it just so Neji and Tenten can announce their engagement? Is it that big of a deal?" Sasuke asked, getting up and heading to the bathroom.

They were at the Uchiha estate, in Sasuke's childhood home. Hinata often stayed the night when it was too dark out to "walk alone." That was really an excuse, being that the leaf was relativity safe and Hinata could hold her own even if she was approached.

"They're getting married, of course the announcement is important. The only reason I know is because Neji got nervous and came to me for advice before he asked her. I told you spur of the moment out of excitement and I already feel guilty for letting the secret out. When they tell everyone, just pretend to be surprised okay?" Hinata said.

"I wasn't surprised when you told me the first time, so I'm not going to act surprised now. I'm glad you let me know though, I don't want any secrets between us." Sasuke called out from the bathroom.

"Yeah okay, just hurry. I still have to stop by my apartment to get my clothes." Hinata said.


"See Shino, I told you something was up with those two." Kiba said matter of factly, crossing his arms and humphing dramatically.

"No, I told you something was up with them." Shino retorted. "I never thought it'd see the day you got with an Uchiha." He added, directing his attention to his other friend.

"Be quiet you two. Honestly I don't know how I'm going to get my dad and him in the same room. He's still bent out of shape over my breakup with Naruto." Hinata sighed, leaning her head to rest on Shino's shoulder.

Neji and Tenten had invited them out to the nicest restaurant in town. They rented out the place and had everyone sit at assigned tables.

Shino, Kiba, and Hinata were at a table next to the hosts. Neji, Tenten, and Lee were right in front of them. Sakura, Naruto, Sai and Sasuke sat across from Shino, Kiba, and Hinata and Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru sat behind them. Kankuro, Gaara, and Temari were the farthest away from Neji and Tenten, siting behind Hinata's group, and the sensei's sat across from them.

Hinata glanced at Sasuke's table to make sure he was okay, and breathed a sigh a relief when she saw them conversing like regular.

She turned back to her team and smiled. She missed talking to them.

"How was your date with Ino?" Hinata asked casually. Kiba stiffened, and his face instantly heated up.

"It was...nice." He croaked out after a while.

"Just nice?" Shino pushed. He too wanted to know the details of Ino and Kiba's meet up, but he couldn't seem to get more than one word adjectives out of him.

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