chapter eleven | housewarming

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Hinata had spent the last couple of weeks self evaluating. In between coming to terms with her current love life, she would stop by to help Neji and Tenten with the move in.

Neji had earned a lot doing missions. The so called "apartment" that they bought was more like a house than anything. Hinata often wondered why Neji didn't just move into the Hyuuga compound. When she asked all he said was that he wanted to be an individual. He didn't want his whole life to be defined by his clan. Hinata respected that, admired him for it even.

Tenten agreed to whatever Neji wanted. She was satisfied just being with him. They could live on a street corner for all she cared.

The two had invited all their close friends to the get together. Even Gaara had taken the day off to make it. The couple was grateful.


It was the day of.

Hinata showed up an hour early to help. She rang the bell and waited for someone to answer. Ino opened the door abruptly.

She pulled Hinata into the entryway and embraced her tightly. "You're late!" She told the girl wrapped in her arms.

"You're early." Hinata replied weakly. She somehow managed to pry Ino's hands off of her. Bending down she took off her shoes and put on house slippers.

The living room had been decorated with streamers and balloons. There was a banner hung up in the center of the room that read 'WELCOME'. The kitchen counter was crowded with food and beverages. Chairs had been set up around the house, ensuring comfortability. It was almost perfect.


Hinata approached Neji. Tenten excused herself to allow the two to talk in private. "I wanted to give you something. I hope you don't mind." Hinata said. She pulled out a framed picture. It was of Neji's late father Hizashi Hyuuga. "I know you don't keep a lot of pictures of him but I felt like it was fitting to have one in your new house." She said shyly.

Neji took the the picture and placed it atop his fireplace. There, were already three photos. The first one was of him and Tenten at one of Guy's birthday parties. Another, was a picture of Team 9 on the day they first became genin. And the last one was of Hinata, Hiashi, Hanabi, and Neji in the main branches garden. He placed the photo of his dad next to the one of his family.

He went back and hugged Hinata tightly. "Thank you, I love it." Neji confessed. He let go of Hinata and ruffled her hair. She giggled and left the room, going to ask Tenten if there's anything she needed help with.


After an hour had passed guest started to arrive.

The first to show up was Lee of course. He always made it a habit to be punctual. The others flooded in one by one and eventually everyone was present and accounted for.

"Let's start the party!" Tenten announced enthusiastically.

"Housewarming." Neji corrected her. "Don't be too loud, we don't want to disturb our new neighbors." He instructed the guest.

Everyone nodded in agreement and started to socialize with those around them.

"Hinata." The said girl heard from behind her. She knew that voice. She turned around and smiled brightly at the person in front of her.

"I missed you Gaara!" She said, engulfing the kazekage in a hug. He hugged her back immediately and smiled into her the crook of her neck.

She let go and examined his face, taking it in her hands she stared at it scrutinizingly. "You're not getting enough sleep." She concluded. "I told you to drink more water. And I hope you're using your energy supplements in moderation. They're not the healthiest for you." She continued.

Gaara chuckled at her. Hinata had always liked to nag him about these things. She was genuinely worried for him and he greatly appreciated that.

"Forget about me" He said, cutting off Hinata's lecture "How are you holding up?" Gaara asked, concern laced in his voice. He knew better than anyone how heartbreaking it could be to lose the one you love. Even if it's just distancing or seeing other people.

Hinata shrugged. "I'm fine. No worries." She replied simply. She had come to terms with it all. Gaara relaxed a bit, not sensing any dishonesty from the girls body language.

"It's really been too long." He admitted, looking down at her. Hinata playfully shoved him, slightly blushing from the feel of his eyes on her.

"Hinata!" A loud voice called out from behind them. Hinata turned around to see who had called her. It was Kiba. He ran up to her and ruffled her hair.

"I missed you buddy!" He exclaimed. Shino came up from behind him and stood next to his childhood friend. He patted her hair down, fixing it after Kiba's assault, and then proceeded to use her head as an armrest.

Hinata pouted. "You know I hate when you do that." She huffed at Shino.

"I know, that's why I always make sure to." He said grinning to himself. Hinata looked over Kiba's shoulder to see if Gaara was still there. He had moved a bit away from the group and was talking to Naruto and Shikamaru by the refreshments. She felt satisfied after locating him.

"So" Kiba started, bringing Hinata's attention back to her best friends. "What's up with you and Uchiha?" He asked quietly, bending down to whisper in her ear.

Hinata was confused. What was up with them? They were just friends, nothing more, nothing less.

"He's asking because when Neji invited us over a few weeks ago, Sasuke didn't agree to come until he found out if you were attending." Shino explained.

Hinata smiled. Sasuke asked about her. She was his only condition. It wasn't all in her head. Sasuke was actually warming up to her.

"By that dopey expression you're sporting, I'm guessing there's something you're not telling us." Kiba said, pinching Hinata's cheeks in an attempt to snap her out of whatever daze she was in.

"Nope, nothing like that." Hinata said, still giddy. "We're just good friends." She told the two.

She scanned the room for Sasuke. After spotting him in the corner of the room talking to Ino, she excused herself from her team. She looked closely at Sasuke as she made her way over to the two. He was gritting his teeth, making an almost pained expression. He was smushed in between the corner, nearly merging with the two walls intersection. You could tell if he had to sit through another second of whatever Ino was talking about he was going to start banging his head against the closest flat surface. Hinata quickly intervened. She told Ino that maybe it would be nice to converse with someone more up to her speed, like Kiba. Ino took her advice and made her way to the other side of the room.

"I know somethings going on between them." Kiba mumbled to himself.

"Just drop it for now Kiba." Shino sighed. "Look who's coming your way." He said, leaving the man to fend for himself.

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