chapter two | a break

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Hinata sighed. She put her to go box on the kitchen counter of her spacious apartment and headed for her room. All she wanted was to sleep.

She changed her clothes, turned off the lights, and got under her covers. She closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to take her, but it never came. The days events kept replaying in her mind.

She clutched her sheets tightly, completely wrapping herself in the thick fabric.

She felt guilty. Maybe she had wrongfully blown up at Naruto. But then she remembered the look of envy he wore as he watched his two close friends.

Hinata had felt completely inferior in that moment, like all her past efforts to gain Naruto's attention had been wasted. If that was how he acted when they were together, just how badly did he act without the looming presence of his girlfriend.

Hinata screamed with frustration into her pillow. She tried to clear her mind of all the negative thoughts. She took a deep breath in, holding it for a while, and then exhaled out. She repeated that process until she drifted off to sleep.

— — — — — — — —

Hinata had woken up fairly early for a Sunday morning. It was around 8 am when she decided to finally get out of bed and start her day. On the way to her kitchen she passed by the front door. A few centimeters away from the doorframe was a folded up white piece of paper. Hinata assumed someone had slipped the piece under while she was asleep. She yawned, picking it up she unfolded the note and read it.

Dear Hinata,

I don't know exactly when you'll read this or even notice that I've left it, but I wanted to say I'm sorry again. I would've much rather told you all this in person, but my mission departure was moved up to today. It's 5am now, and I know you're not up at this hour. I'm sorry I'm leaving on such bad terms, I'm sorry I reacted the way I did, and I'm sorry I made you doubt me. After you said all that at the cafe I went home and did some serious revaluation. I realized that I may have jumped the gun a little when I said I was over Sakura. I never intended to hurt you. I really wanted to cherish and protect you with my whole being. In order to do that I have to do some searching, find out where I want to go from here. I want you to hear me out when I come back. I love you Hinata and I always will, no matter what.


It was a while before Hinata had moved from her spot in front of the door. She kept re reading her boyfriends words over and over again. 'I realized that I may have jumped the gun a little when I said I was over Sakura.' Was he serious?

Hinata wanted so bad to be angry. She spent all of yesterday feeling horrible about her outburst and here her boyfriend was basically admitting he was in love with another girl. But she just couldn't find it in her to hate him. She was hurt, she was sure of that. Just not enough to direct her spite at the blonde boy.

She looked over the letter one more time. Naruto was searching for an answer. She had to be strong enough to accept whatever he had come up with. She headed for her bathroom, deciding to skip breakfast for the day. She was going to do something for herself. She needed a distraction from everything that was falling apart around her.

— — — — — — — —

Before Hinata could even knock on the door to the shop she just arrived at, it flung open, the scent of flowers hitting her at once.

"Hinata! Come in, we've been waiting for you!" Ino said enthusiastically. She tightly gripped Hinata's hand and led her further into the flower shop.

Tenten was siting on the check out counter while Temari was leaning on the register next to her.

"Long time no see." Temari said with a grin. Between her constant back and forth trips from the sand to the leaf, Temari barely had any time to meet up with her girl friends.

"It's been way too long." Tenten said, hopping down from her spot on the counter and heading towards Hinata with outstretched arms. Hinata happily accepted Tentens hug, missing the warmth of her closest friend.

"So what's up? How've you been?" Ino asked, directing her question towards Hinata. She could tell her friend was distraught. She didn't have her usual glow and her eyes were puffy and red as if she'd been crying before she got there.

Temari and Tenten looked at their friend with worry. Hinata could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. She started sobbing.

The three girls surrounded the shaking girl and enveloped her in a tight hug.

"It's going to be okay, whatever it is." Tenten said rubbing Hinata's back.

"If it has anything to do with Naruto I'll kill him." Temari declared. Ino nodded in agreement. No way was anyone going to get away with hurting their best friend.

"Don't kill him.." Hinata said through broken sobs. "I knew what I was getting into." She finished. She wiped her tears and looked at her friends. She smiled at them reassuringly, glad to have such a strong support system.

They sat down in a little circle on the shop floor. Ino had insisted that she keep it closed until she knew exactly what was going on with Hinata.

The bluenette explained the recent happenings in her life. She explained how Naruto had warned her about his feelings, how he said there was nothing to worry about, and how he shattered that sentiment right before her eyes. She gave them the note to read for themselves.

"He's such an asshole." Ino said through gritted teeth.

"I can't believe he would do that." Tenten voiced.

"I'm going after him right now." Temari said storming towards the door.

"Please don't." Hinata said, grabbing Temari's hand before she could make it out the door. "I just want to forget about it. Let's have fun until he comes back, okay?" She pleaded.

Temari sighed, shaking her head in disapproval. "Fine. Gaara gave me the week off for once. I was going to suggest hanging out anyways." She said.

Ino shrieked with glee. It'd been so long since they'd had girl time. This week was going to be great.

"I'm so excited!" Tenten exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"How about we kick this off with a sleepover?" Ino suggested. Everyone nodded in favor of it. "Great! Go run along and get your clothes. I'll get everything set up. Hinata can you grab some snacks on the way back? I know you're closest to the market." She added.

"Of course." Hinata replied, getting up and heading for the door. She was determined to have a good time while Naruto was away. She even skipped on her way back to her home, excited for the week to come.

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