chapter six | walking

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"... and fertilizer please!" Hinata nodded her head and closed the door behind her. Tonight was her night to make dinner for the girls and she was on her way to the grocery store to get the ingredients she'd need. Ino had asked her to get a few additional things for the shop which Hinata, of course, didn't have a problem with.

She entered the market place, making sure to speed pass the store from before, and headed to a vegetable stand. She picked out a few, using her keen eyesight to spot the freshest ones, and then went to the butchers. She had decided to make stew, and maybe a pie for dessert.

She finished shopping relatively early, and figured it was good weather for a stroll.

Hinata walked around aimlessly. It wasn't until she reached the gates of Konoha that she realized how far she'd gone. She shrugged and continued forward, it had been awhile since she'd been to the outskirts.

Hinata made her way into the neighboring forest, watching her step as she ventured farther and farther inside. She kept going until she reached a riverbed. She sat down the groceries and cupped some water into her hand. Looking at her reflection for a bit, she poured the water back into the river and sat down beside it.

She finally had some time to relax. She rolled her shoulders and laid down in the grass beneath her. It'd been a long time since she just sat in silence and let nature take her. Just as she was about to drift away she heard some ruffling coming from the trees.

'Well, that was nice while it lasted.' She thought while silently activating her Byakugan. She let out a sigh of relief after confirming who it was. She laid back down and tried to drift off to sleep again.

"I'm surprised you trust me around your sleeping body." The person said. He had a deep voice, raw and way rougher compared to Naruto's.

Hinata peaked at him through one eye. "I don't really have the energy to care. Plus I'm sure you wouldn't want it getting around that you tried messing with an unconscious girl. Not that I think you'd do anything to me anyways." Hinata retorted.

She knew Sasuke wasn't the type to take advantage of an unguarded woman. She didn't even know if he was really attracted to anyone in that sense to begin with.

"I'm not asexual." Sasuke said, as if reading her thoughts. Hinata opened her mouth to say something. "And I'm not gay either."

Hinata laughed. A genuine, loud laugh. "Sure, Mr Uchiha." She said teasingly.

Sasuke went to sit beside her. "Why are you out here?" He asked curious.

"Why are you?" She asked, answering a question with a question.

Sasuke turned to look at the girl. "I asked first." He said simply.

Hinata shrugged, playing with the river water. "I had some spare time on my hands so I came out here to think. You?" She explained and asked.

"Same." Sasuke replied passively. Hinata took that moment to look Sasuke over. He looked fairly similar to when she'd seen him in the war. The only distinct difference being his eyes. They were a lot warmer now compared to before. He felt almost approachable.

Hinata took off her sandals. She slowly placed her feet in the water, letting them soak for a while.

The two sat there in silence. It wasn't awkward or stifling, but it wasn't comfortable either. It was just.. silence.

Hinata kicked her feet around a bit, causing small ripples to form in the water. Sasuke bent down to pick up a rock. He walked closer to the river, stopping when he felt he was close enough. Sasuke threw the rock at an angle. It skidded across the river, making about five skips before sinking beneath the surface.

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